选一门CS课 Design & Analysis of Algorithm 或 Advanced OS

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楼主是EE的,下学期要选一门CS的课,未来想找Software Engineer或Data Scientist的职位,现在考虑这两门:
1. Design and Analysis of Algorithms

A study of advanced topics and techniques in discrete algorithms. Assumes student has a solid preparation in undergraduate algorithms (including asymptotic notations, recurrences, divide-and-conquer, greedy algorithms, dynamic programming, and fundamental graph algorithms). Core topics include probabilistic and amortized analysis, network flow, NP-completeness, and parallel algorithms. Selected topics might include: linear programming, computational geometry, randomized algorithms, cryptographic algorithms, and approximation algorithms.

2. Advanced Operating Systems

This course studies advanced topics in the broad field of operating systems and distributed systems, including architectures of distributed operating systems, foundations of distributed operating systems, synchronization, scheduling, deadlocks handling, consistency and replication, fault tolerance and reliability, file systems and storage management, shared memory, and security.
