
Hi,版上各位同学,大家好。本人于7月初申请了OPT,现在employer希望能够尽量在8月份上班。我已于7月底电话申请了OPT加急,但遭拒。我昨天找了我所在地区的Congressman忙助加急(附加了offer letter),但仍遭拒。我现在想着添加些材料,比如说employer提供的,情况urgency letter之类的,Congressman办公室的人也愿意帮忙递送。不知道效果如何?或者大家还有其他好的建议吗?我都准备找地区其他Senator,对USCIS进行持续性request了。。。谢谢大家。

附加,Congressman收到的opt加急据信部分原文,我当时提出了employer financial loss和家庭经济困难作为opt加急的原因。

According to the PSC, the primary goal of Curricular Practical Training (CPT), pre-completion Optional Practical Training (pre-OPT), and post-completion Optional Practical Training (post-OPT) is for students to gain practical experience in their field of study, not to earn money for living expenses or to fund their studies.

F-1 students are required to establish that they have the financial ability to pay for their course of study and living expenses for the entire period of study as indicated on their I-20, thus they cannot claim financial hardship due to the very nature of their non-immigrant status and maintenance thereof. In addition, an employment offer or start date does not qualify under USCIS's severe financial loss expedite criteria.