从回复邮件中拼凑出的美国签证 check 行政审核的过程

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以下是我节选的email回复(绿色字体是我copy paste的领事馆回复邮件中,具有实际信息的原文)

[align="left"]Mar 23th 面签后一个月,我老公打电话给National Visa Center,结果他们根本查不到我的case,只能查到我三年前面签的case。我当时气急败坏,怀疑他们根本都还没有把我的case递上去,或者case lost。他们的回复:pending a reply [/align][align="left"]Our records show that you applied for a H4 visa here on February 24th. Your case is now undergoing the additional processing and pending a reply. We are unable to further process your visa until a reply is received.[/align][align="left"]
[/align][align="left"]Apr 20th 面试后将近两个月,估计此时他们已经收到了人工审核的结果。正在waiting for approval。当时我就觉得issue将至,真的是too young too naive……[/align]
We are glad to inform you that the administrative processing of your application has been just completed. Your application is waiting for approval. Please be patient.

Apr 27th 这封信与进程无关。但是我只想拿出他们的原话作为理论依据,安慰所有checkees, check是为了让你过,所有不要灰心, carry on!
Please note that your application is undergoing additional administrative processing. This processing cannot be waived, and the final decision on visa issuance can only take place after this process completes. Please be assured the Embassy would not be seeking this required administrative processing if it were not our intent to issue a visa to you. Processing times may vary from individual to individual so we ask applicants to retain some flexibility in their travel plans, if at all possible. We will contact you as soon as the processing completes.

[align="left"]May 3rd 终于approve了。。于是我游兴致勃勃的觉得马上可以走了。。。游被狠狠地打脸……[/align][align="left"]Your application is now waiting for approval. Once it is approved, the visa will be issued to you very soon.[/align][align="left"]
[/align][align="left"]May 6th 他告诉我final stage,再过一周。。。。把我高兴的。。。又被华丽丽的骗了。。。[/align][align="left"]Your visa application is now entered the final stage of the processing. It should be finished within a week. Please be patient and wait for your visa to be issued.[/align][align="left"]
[/align][align="left"]May 17th 说好的一周 呢???。。[/align][align="left"]We fully understand your feeling after a long waiting period of time. Unfortunately, we are unable to give an exact time frame for the visa issuance. Your application is approved and is now waiting for the system clearance. The visa can be only issued once the system authorized us to do so. Please be patient and we anticipate that the result will be coming very soon.[/align][align="left"]
[/align][align="left"]May 25th 他们根本不知道还要多久。。为什么打印一个贴纸一周还不够?[/align][align="left"]Your visa has been approved, but it is still under the processing of preparing for being printed out. And we cannot expedite that processing.After your visa being printed out, it normally needs 3-5 workdays to send your passport to the CITIC Bank which you choose. So you should arrange your schedule properly. [/align][align="left"]


补充内容 (2016-5-27 15:10):
update timeline 1:
case created: 2/23/16
1st updated: 2/24/16
2nd updated: 4/8/16
3rd updated: 4/11/16
4th updated:4/12/16
5th updated: 4/15/16
6th updated: 4/18/16
7th updated: 4/19/16

补充内容 (2016-5-27 15:12):
updates timeline 2:
8th : 4/20/16
9th :4/26/16
10th updated: 4/29/16
11th updated: 5/3/16
12th updated: 5/4/16
13th updated: 5/5/16
14th updated: 5/6/16
15th updated: 5/13/16
Issue: 5/27/16
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