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公司通知我H1B抽中 也给了receipt number 我现在是在stem opt期间 10月中旬到期 但最近学校issc发了好多封邮件关于申请额外7个月延期 而且要5月23号之前提交 这种情况需要申请作为保险么 想看看大家的建议 谢谢!!

另外,公司一直没有给我receipt notice,我发邮件问学校issc 想确认下sevis status,但学校一直给我这么一段自动回复而不告诉我,为什么这么不友好。。。

Thank you for your email. The SEVIS system is no longer updated with receipt numbers prior to them being mailed out, so we are not able to check for them in advance as we could before. If you do not have a receipt number, USCIS instructs that you contact the employer or attorney who has filed your H-1B petition on your behalf.

In such, we require you to send us a copy of the receipt so as to update our systems and SEVIS with the new information.

Please contact your employer and/or attorney to obtain a copy of the receipt notice that has the receipt number listed on it.

?If your petition is receipted, you may also request an automatic cap-gap extension I-20 from ISSC.? To receive an updated I-20 showing the cap-gap extension, please submit a request to the ISSC by sending a copy of the receipt notice to..