3rd Rej@EE From WUSTL

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Dear J,

The Graduate Admissions Committee has completed its review of your application for the Fall 2016 academic term and we are unable to offer you admission. Our admissions committee carefully reviews the applicant pool, but each year the competition strengthens. We are unable to release specific reasons as to why individuals might not be selected, but trust your application was thoroughly reviewed.

We appreciate your interest in Washington University in St. Louis and wish you every success in the future.


Office of Graduate Admissions - School of Engineering
Washington University in St. Louis

毕竟 WUSTL 工程系研究生只有 35% 的录取率。
另外,已经拿到主申 ad 了 45.2% 录取率的水校,对于我已经是最优选择之二了(Boston 大宝山方向啧啧)。除了 Providence 其他都不会去,也不再刷剩下各家的页面了呀。所以贵死人的 WUSTL 拒绝我我心情反而更好了,哈。