deadline逼近。。。applied math PhD选校求建议

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1. Stanford ICME: This program is very computational, and therefore relatively not as "academic" as Courant and Princeton. Living in Stanford is expensive, but the school does not give much stipend (around $26,000 with health insurance deducted). However, I can find some professors I am interested in working with, like Lexing Ying and Lenya Ryzhik. 整个项目给人感觉非常强势,好像非去不可的样子。但是我真的很不确定我会不会喜欢那里的研究风格。不过我爸妈会非常开心如果我选择stanford,哎名声所累。还有和国内四校top学生在一块感觉压力不是一般大。

2. Courant Institute: It was my dream school. I am strongly interested in working with Robert Kohn, but when I talked with him during the visit, he said he was unsure about taking more students in the future. Besides, I find this department is kind of unfriendly, and I do not like the city life personally. 他们家的visit day实在是呵呵。如果cims不在纽约,而是在小地方,那我现在就可以做出选择了,可是。。。。我好讨厌nyu这个学校,个性不搭。

3. Brown University: The DAM is very strong in numerical analysis/scientific computing, but it is hard to find someone working in somewhere between applied analysis and numerical analysis. However, some factors make me seriously think about its program: The division generously awards me a presidential fellowship, which is about $38,000/12 months for the first 3 years with an extra $6,700 start-up fund, and the atmosphere there is very healthy and female-friendly. 他们家的visit day 美好得令人感动,但是感觉他们家的研究有点落后,还在努力找做data方向的junior faculty中。

I am also considering about Princeton PACM, of which I am unfortunately on the waiting list now. Compared to ICME and Courant, PACM is cheaper. It also has top applied mathematicians there.
但是,普林有个说法是天才的天堂,普通人的地狱。去那里没人教,全靠自己学。非常非常competitive,纯数那里几乎一半以上的人messed up,而且普林也根本不在乎(大神当然不管凡人死活。。。),应数好一些,但是还是感觉很可怕。看来我原来对那里想的太美好。

There are other programs I am looking at, but to some extent, they are not comparable to the above (maybe I am wrong):
1. Carnegie Mellon University: The Center of Nonlinear Analysis is amazing,我可以找到大量可以工作的教授,但是似乎整体排名很受挫,然后深受我们学校研究风格影响(我不知道应不应该试着换一种风格做研究)
2. UC Berkeley: 应该不会认真考虑,近期要decline
3. Michigan AIM: 去年暑假导师就在那里
4. Duke: Jianfeng Lu, Ingrid Daubechies, Tom Witelski. 他们家的研究深受普林影响,整体氛围非常好,侧重Probability和PDE.

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