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lehigh属于私立小校,地理位置在一个小城市,离纽约和费城都有一两个小时的车程。项目信息比较少,地里中我看到的只有两三个人去了这个项目,各方面反响还可以,感觉是个良心小校。小班教学,比较有可能和老师接触。第一年必须要通过一个comprehensive examination,感觉蛮难的。第二年有拿ta的机会,但是不是很确定,有转博士和继续申请博士的机会。统计设在数院下面,us news上没有统计的专排,数学的专排为#95。项目的课程比较理论,一共要修30个学分,有两个发展的方向,Statistics Track和Stochastic Modeling Track:Statistics Track
Recommended Courses:
Math 309. Theory of Probability
STAT 434. Mathematical Statistics
STAT 412. Statistical Computing & Applications
STAT 462. Modern Nonparametric Methods in Statistics
STAT 438. Linear Models in Statistics with Applications
STAT 461. Topics in Mathematical Statistics
STAT 410. Random Processes
Possible Electives:
STAT 408. Statistics and Probability Seminar (Spring)
STAT 409. Statistics and Probability Seminar (Fall)
STAT 463 Advanced Probability
STAT 464 Advanced Stochastic Process
Math 467. Financial Calculus I
Math 468. Financial Calculus II
I.E. 332. Product Quality
I.E. 409. Time Series Analysis
I.E. 410. Design of Experiments
Eco 463 or IE 458. Topics in Game Theory
Educ 411. Multivariate Statistical Methods
CSE 411. Advanced Programming Techniques

Stochastic Modeling Track
Recommended Courses:
Math 309. Theory of Probability
STAT 410. Random Processes
STAT 463. Advanced Probability
Math 401. Real Analysis I
STAT 434. Mathematical Statistics
STAT 438. Linear Models in Statistics with Applications
STAT 464. Advanced Stochastic Processes
Math 341. Mathematical Models and Their Formulation
Other Possible Electives:
STAT 408. Seminar in Statistics and Probability (Spring)
STAT 409. Seminar in Statistics and Probability (Fall)
Math 320. Ordinary Differential Equations
Math 340. Design and Analysis of Algorithms
Math 402. Real Analysis II
Math 407. Theory and Techniques of Optimization
Math 430. Numerical Analysis
Math 467. Financial Calculus I
Math 468. Financial Calculus II
Eco. 453. Index Numbers and Time Series Analysis
CSE 411. Advanced Programming Techniques
I.E. 316. Advanced Operations Research Techniques
I.E. 339. Queuing Theory
I.E. 409. Time Series Analysis
I.E. 416. Dynamic Programming
I.E. 439. Applications of Stochastic Processes

usc@business analytics

DSO 510 Business Analytics 3
GSBA 524 Managerial Statistics 3
DSO 530 Applied Modern Statistical Learning Methods 3
DSO 545 Statistical Computing and Data Visualization 3
DSO 570 The Analytics Edge: Data, Models, and Effective Decisions 3
DSO 573 Data Analytics Driven Dynamic Strategy and Execution 3
INF 551 Foundations of Data Management 3

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