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收到了Rutgers的Rutgers Graduate Admissions Decision Notification,没有钱,对方说:If you plan to study at Rutgers as a full time F-1 student, you will need a Certificate of Eligibility (Form I-20). To obtain this from Rutgers, you must document financial resources immediately available to meet your first full year of total expenses, as well as indicate the source(s) of support you will have in order to complete your degree program in subsequent years. Satisfactory certified and projected funds must be provided in order to issue an I-20 and Certificate of Admission. Since these are time- sensitive documents, I urge you to send this information by express mail service. If you wish to receive your admission documents by express mail, enclose a check or money order in the amount of US$40, payable to Rutgers University.

然后我在收到小秘提前告知的邮件后和收到Rutgers Graduate Admissions Decision Notification之前,给研究生院发了封邮件询问提交财产证明的deadline,Graduate and Professional Admissions部分的一个人回复我说:There is no deadline to submit the financial documentation.

据我了解,一般来说4月15号是回复学校的截止日期,但这里又告诉我没有deadline,而Rutgers Graduate Admissions Decision Notification里又告诉我immediately,还说这个材料是time-sensitive,以及发了财产证明才给I-20和正式的offer。

所以我想请教下了解Rutgers的大神们~到底应该在什么时候之前提交财产证明呢?因为自费的话,我可能就不去读了。在了解公派,但好像我申不了公派。因为我现在在国内读研,申的也是Rutgers的硕士项目,而公派的硕士项目好像得本科应届生才可以,我还在了解。再加上我申的是东亚,不一定能申公派。 如果能申的话,公派要5月份才出结果,不知道该怎么弄。

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