2nd AD (?) CS / Data Science / Software Engineering @ USC

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下午五点多收到邮件,告诉我 youSC 有新消息了。。。收件箱里面三封邮件(来自我同一个 USC ID 下的三个项目),内容相同:


[align="left"]Your application for admission to the University of Southern California has been received and reviewed. We are pleased to inform you that you are academically eligible for admission to the Fall 2016 semester as a graduate student majoring in Computer Science, leading toward a Master of Science. However, your application is not yet complete.[/align]
[align="left"]Federal immigration regulations require all international students to demonstrate proof of ability to pay tuition and living expenses for themselves and their dependents (if applicable). You must therefore submit an affidavit of financial support and a copy of your passport. If applicable, please also submit passport copies for each of your dependents. (This is necessary only if your dependents will be travelling with you and are planning to apply for an F-2 or J-2 visa.) These documents must be received and approved before your official USC letter of admission can be issued.[/align]
[align="left"]We highly recommend submitting your documents at your earliest convenience so that you may complete the certification process in a timely manner and receive your I-20 or DS-2019.[/align][align="left"]Sincerely,[/align][align="left"]Office of Graduate Admission University of Southern California[/align]


感觉是 AD 的意思吧{:7_192:}。。。但是要交财产证明。待会研究一下,有不懂的再来请教各位{:7_191:}

姓氏 G 开头;另外本人虽然有幸出身交大,但三维平庸,很惊讶 USC 这么早就来消息,可能与我很早就把扫描成绩单发给学院有关?纸质成绩单是 12 月初发的航空平信,没附 USC ID,看来也没受影响。

三个项目同时来消息,应该是一起审的;其中 Data Science 和 Software Engineering 项目没交推荐信。


目前:2 AD / 1 REJ


补充内容 (2016-2-27 18:34):
昨天收到 SE track 的正式录取,另两个还是非正式录取状态。。。

补充内容 (2016-3-5 20:08):
另两个 track 也出来正式通知了
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