EE PhD Positions @ University of South Florida

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Research Opportunities
; Graduate Research Assistants

Dr. Selçuk Köse in the Electrical Engineering Department at the University of South Florida is seeking graduate students (Ph.D. degree seeking in Electrical Engineering) starting Fall 2016 and beyond. Interested applicants are encouraged to provide a curriculum vitae and transcripts summarizing the academic/research strengths. Some of the possible research areas include but not limited to;
; Hardware security
o Side-channel attack countermeasures, Trojan detection, PUF design, etc…
; On-chip voltage regulation and power management
; Computer architecture
; Analog circuit design
o Proficiency in simulation and layout tools
Individuals with research interests in one or more of these areas are encouraged to apply. An already earned M.S. degree in related disciplines, although not required, will be a plus. Please, take a look at my publications and research interests in my website to have a better idea of what you may be working on in the next couple of years.

Selçuk Köse, Assistant Professor
Electrical Engineering Department
University of South Florida
4202 E. Fowler Ave. ENB118, Office 372A
Tampa, FL 33620
PH: (813) 974-6636
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