2 Computer Engineering PhD RA Openings at University of Massachusetts Lowell

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2 Computer Engineering PhD RA Openings at University of Massachusetts Lowell

General Information:

2 full-time PhD research assistantships (RA) in Computer Engineering,
starting from Fall 2016 semester, are available in the Department of
Electrical & Computer Engineering, the University of Massachusetts Lowell.
These RA positions are to work towards PhD degrees under the mentorship of
Dr. Tricia Chigan , who is a
recipient of the National Science Foundation CAREER Award. Dr. Chigan
regularly serves as the Technical Program Committee (TPC) member for leading
IEEE conferences including INFOCOM, ICC, GLOBECOM, and WCNC. Currently, she
also serves as the Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Intelligent
Transportation Systems.

The focus research areas include Cyber and Network Security, Vehicular Ad
Hoc Networks (VANETs), VANET-based Data Mining and Applications, VANET-
enhanced Smart Transportations, and Cognitive Radio Networks & Security.
These research projects are sponsored by National Science Foundation (NSF),
US Army’s Communications Research and Development Center (CERDEC), US Army
Research Lab (ARL), and industry partners.

Desirable Qualifications: Applicants should preferably have both MS and BS
degrees in Electrical Engineering or Computer Engineering/Science or Control
& Automation or other closely related fields, and the following
Solid modeling & simulation as well as programming skills are required.
Good background knowledge and a keen interest in optimization algorithms,
data mining, artificial intelligence, and machine learning are desired.
Strong motivation/determination/interest toward research is expected.
Good research/publication record is a plus.
Among all the supporting factors, your solid academic background and
research potential will be evaluated the most.

Application Procedure:
Interested students should directly submit the e-copy of the following
material to Dr. Chigan via email (1point3acres.com ):
Cover letter stating qualifications, relevant experience and research
Curriculum vitae.
A copy of transcripts (both graduate and undergraduate studies).
Relevant published research materials.
A copy of TOEFL & GRE scores.

Highly qualified applicants will be facilitated to go through an application
process to UMass Lowell Graduate School

Note: University of Massachusetts Lowell is located about 25 miles northwest
of Boston in the high-
tech corridor of Massachusetts.