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很多印度学生都不知道OPT告急这件事。以下是我总结的适合给印度人和其他国际学生看的帖子。请转发给你周围的international student!通过邮件,Facebook,任何形式都行!这件事请需要各国学生联合起来!

[align="left"]Internationalstudents: OPT extension may be CANCELED! Please stand up and fight for yourrights NOW![/align][align="left"] [/align][align="left"]Department of homeland security isasking for public comments on internet regarding the new rule about 24-monthOPT extension, but there are too many US WORKERS OPPOSING to this rule! Theyleave huge amount of negative comments and even ask government to CANCEL OPTextension! Unfortunately, positive comments are very, very few since mostinternational students are not aware of this. Therefore we need to ask everybody,especially international student, to go to the website and support the rule! It’sdue on Nov 18 and we only have a few days left! Hurry up or we may completelylose OPT extension for STEM students! [/align][align="left"] [/align][align="left"]Anyone can go to the website using the linkbelow and click the green button “submit a formal comment”[/align][align="left"]federalregister.gov[/align][align="left"] [/align][align="left"]Please check this YouTube for moreinformation:[/align][align="left"]youtube.com[/align][align="left"] [/align][align="left"]Please share this importantnews!! [/align][align="left"] [/align][align="left"] [/align][align="left"]Ifyou don't know what to write in your comments, below are the materials that youcan use! Please use your own words instead of copying and pasting! God blessyou![/align][align="left"] [/align][align="left"]WELCOME WHOLE HEARTEDLY this new Rule forOPT Stem Extension for 2 years ALL IN THE US WILL BE EQUALLY BENEFITED. Aboveevery one the country and its benefit.US economy will thrive because of thisnew rule, because of the skill training. Culture will not get affected.[/align][align="left"]Understand that this rule not againstAmericans and Citizens, who are protected by this updated rule for theiremployment that no American should be removed from service because of this OPTand their PAY should not be reduced because of this rule as adequate measurestaken. Also the new rule restricts that there is no less pay for any of the OPTstudents[/align][align="left"]Understand that there is a clear and welldefined difference between ILLEAGAL and LEGAL immigrants/temporary workers tofill the skilled jobs and we should not create confusion about this rule onthat basis as this is LEGAL OPT. Please do not deviate from this Legal OPTConcept, by citing irrelevant points of illegal migration/illegal immigrationetc.[/align][align="left"]Similarly in global community like US thereis no such thing as foreigners being hired by employers, as everything isconducted legally in US.[/align][align="left"]Already students have started to go toENGLAND because of the OPT extension is stopped by the court in US and therethe education is less expensive for Masters, since it is one year only and lotof employment opportunities.[/align][align="left"]America will be the loser for each Mastersseat evolving around $125000 per year as college fees. If there are no studentsfor Masters Stem, there will be a loss of $ 31250000000 per year to USA with250000 proposed foreign students. Total Loss to US Colleges and Universities in10 year will be[/align][align="left"]$312500000000![/align][align="left"]If the stem extension is not continuedaround 70000 students have to leave the country by 16 Feb 2016 and theirprojects/work will be halted, because of no skilled worker is available and itwill affect employers/Industry for $70000000000 worth of projects/works/researchand other revenues to US for 1 year till 16 Feb 2017[/align][align="left"]Most of the students paid University nonresident tuition and other fees to US Government at a very high rate and ifthis opt extension is not there, IT IS A GUARANTEE THAT NO FOREIGN STUDENT WILLCOME TO STUDY IN US. They are not ready to study only bookish knowledge whichcan be got in their countries and through online itself.[/align][align="left"]America is survived by the people, skilledworkers and big and large business and it is the duty of DHS to protect the USeconomy and US people by enacting rules/legislation like this. If this is notdone by DHS, who will do?[/align][align="left"]OPT Students also paid all the universityfees without any funding from University or Government or from teachingassistantships, as any other US Citizens and OPT students are not getting anySocial Security Benefits and nothing is free in this country to OPT studentsand Medical trust funds and please note not to deviate the fact that there is$0 for Social Security for OPT students and they are contributing to US economyby paying TAX to Govt.[/align][align="left"]H1B applications now is 210000 and thequota for MS Students is 20K and most of the Masters student did not get H1bthis year. With scholarships in UK the future students, with 1 year moststudents will not come to US at all, if you will not imposing the rule for OPTextension[/align][align="left"]Increase H1b quota to 500000 per year andMasters quota to 200000 per year is in all fairness as the current lotterysystem is unfair and the H1B cap does not meet the demand. US is the land of equalopportunities and is poised for greater growth,[/align][align="left"]All the current students will go back totheir country with the knowledge they gained by their education and US will belosing their talent and skills.[/align][align="left"]It is a false statement that more than 86K(jobs per year) of Americans are taken away and not supported by any stats andthis proposed extension will ensure that no American jobs are taken away.[/align][align="left"]Please note that all the students are notselected for OPT and only STEM students from E-Verify companies are selected.Any opposition from other non stems students should be viewed separately fromthe rule and should not be studied along with this rule.[/align][align="left"]Any degree without any concrete workexperience/training is a waste of education.[/align][align="left"]First year of OPT students gain very littleexperience and as proposed in the new rule, if the OPT should be extended for 2years with guided and well programmed and monitored by employer and University(But with less paper or drudgery work for approval) for the students to getpractical training.[/align][align="left"]If the rule is not implemented then US willbe 20 years back in 5 years, with obsolete technologies/industry practices etc.and economy wild be badly affected. The thought of reducing the number of H1band other visas should not allowed as it will affect US economy very badly.[/align]