[招生] 美国德州大学圣安东尼奥分校诚招博士生---控制和机器人方向

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德州大学圣安东尼奥分校ECE department曹老师拟招二到四名博士生---控制和机器人方向。2016年秋季入学。

学校录取相关网页:ece.utsa.edu ... al-engineering.html


Fully funded PhD positions are available starting Fall 2016 in distributed data-driven control for heterogeneous systems with focus on cooperative control, distributed optimization, sensor fusion, machine learning, and motion planning. Research will be conducted in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) under the supervision of Dr. Yongcan Cao.

Position description:
- A Bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering, computer science, mechanical engineering, aerospace engineering, or a related field;
- Strong background in systems and control theory, signal processing, and statistics;
- Excellent writing and communication skills;
- Proficiency in Matlab and C++.
- Master’s degree
- Experience on Robot Operating System, machine learning, and computer vision
- Hands-on experience on UAVs or ground robots
- Demonstrated research experience (i.e., a good publication record)

How to apply:
Send the following documents in a single PDF file
- One page cover letter describing your interest, goal, and how your background fits well;
- CV or resume
- Transcripts
to 1point3acres.com.
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