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以下是CMU MS-BIC (bic.cs.cmu.edu)招生老师写的(项目主页:bic.cs.cmu.edu),我简单翻译了一下。

卡内基梅隆大学计算机科学学院拿到本科学位的学生平均工资是$ 84,400(每年)。斯坦福大学少一点, $ 74,700 。这些数字来自由NerdWallet ,总部设在旧金山的一个人理财网站公布的最新调查。有些学校,如斯坦福大学,只提供学院的工资信息。其他学校,像卡内基·梅隆大学,做提供计算机学院下各个项目的工资信息。毫不奇怪,最顶级的薪水干将都有些学科的学位。

· Carnegie Mellon University, School of Computer Science Average salary: $84,400

· Stanford University, Average salary: $74,700

· Massachusetts Institute of Technology Average salary: $65,300

· Cornell University, College of Engineering Average salary: $64,300

For more information out degrees and salaries at Carnegie Mellon School of Computer Science:




Students who recently graduated with a Bachelor’s degree from Carnegie Mellon University’s School of Computer Science are making an average salary of $84,400. When grads from Stanford are earning a bit less, $74,700. These numbers come from a new survey released by NerdWallet, a four-year-old personal finance website based in San Francisco. Some schools, like Stanford, provide salary information only for schools within the university. Other schools, like Carnegie Mellon, do a breakdown of salaries for various departments including computer science and technology. Not surprisingly, most of the top salary-getters have degrees in those disciplines

· Carnegie Mellon University, School of Computer Science Average salary: $84,400

· Stanford University, Average salary: $74,700

· Massachusetts Institute of Technology Average salary: $65,300

· Cornell University, College of Engineering Average salary: $64,300

For more information out degrees and salaries at Carnegie Mellon School of Computer Science:


