招收两名信息安全方向的博士生@Lehigh University

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里海大学的Yinzhi Cao老师需要招收两名有着计算机或者计算机工程背景的博士生。如果你感兴趣,请给曹老师发信,他的邮箱是yinzhi DOT cao AT lehigh DOT edu。或者你可以直接通过里海大学的官网申请。学生的要求如下:首先,希望学生能有很强的搭建计算机系统的能力。其次,如果学生有程序分析和机器学习的能力,对于申请也是很有帮助。最后,也是最重要的是,学生需要喜欢做研究,并且愿意和其他人合作。

曹老师本科从清华毕业,然后在西北大学读的博士。博士毕业以后,他去了哥伦比亚大学做了一年博士后。他现在是里海大学的一名助理教授。他的研究主要集中在web安全,mobile安全以及机器学习的安全。他以前的论文很多都发表在计算机安全领域顶级的会议,像IEEE Security and Privacy (Oakland)和Network and Distributed System Security (NDSS)。


里海大学是一个位于美国宾夕法尼亚州的私立学校,被誉为隐藏常青藤(Hidden Ivies)。它离纽约1个半小时,离费城1个小时,交通非常便利。纽约的曼哈顿,皇后区和布鲁克林都有自己的中国城,费城也有自己的中国城。在里海生活非常方便,可以买到各种所需的物品。里海大学的综合排名是全美第40,工程学院排名是49,计算机工程排名是58.

Dr. Yinzhi Cao的主页: yinzhicao DOT org

English Version:

Two PhD positions available, Cyber Security @Lehigh University

Dr. Yinzhi Cao from Lehigh University is looking for two Ph.D. students with strong engineering and/or computer science background. Interested students could email Dr. Cao at yinzhi DOT cao AT lehigh DOT edu for any questions, and apply through the web portal. The ideal candidate will have strong system building ability in cyber-security and privacy. Program analysis and/or machine learning background are preferred. He/she will be self-motivated and enjoy working with other people in a team.

Dr. Yinzhi Cao graduated from Tsinghua University with bachelor of engineering and Northwestern University with a Ph.D. degree. After that, he spent one year at Columbia University as a postdoc. He joined Lehigh University as an assistant professor in August 2015. Dr. Cao’s research spans from web/mobile security and privacy to adversarial machine learning. He has been actively publishing in top-tier security conferences, such as IEEE Security and Privacy (Oakland), and Network and Distributed System Security (NDSS).

Dr. Yinzhi Cao will be actively guiding Ph.D. students in pursuing research in cybersecurity and privacy. In the past, even as a senior student, he has mentored one Ph.D. student in Northwestern, who published a web privacy paper as the first author in NDSS, a first-tier security conference. Dr. Cao is nice, easy going, and has strong records in research.

Lehigh University is a private university located at Bethlehem, PA, a small town that is one and half hour drive from New York City, and one hour from Philadelphia. Lehigh University is constantly ranked as one of the top 40 national universities by U.S. News. The P.C. Rossin College of Engineering and Applied Science of Lehigh University is ranked as 49th among the best engineering schools for graduate study. In particular, the computer engineering is ranked as 58th.

Personal Webpage of Dr. Yinzhi Cao: yinzhicao DOT org
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