香港科技大学计算机系PhD 2016提前招生计划

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香港科技大学计算机科学及工程学系 2016 年秋季入学的研究生提前招生面试将于9月19日在北京,9月20日在上海分别举行。 热诚欢迎各高校计算机或相关领域的本科生和硕士生申请!

香港科技大学计算机及工程学系在世界各种计算机学科排名中名列前茅。例如最新的QS World University Rankings 和US News都将其排在计算机学科全球前十名。我系在各个方向都有开创性工作,包括计算机理论和算法,图形和视觉,数据可视化和可视分析,网络和分布式系统,软件工程,人工智能和机器学习,数据挖掘,大数据和云计算,数据库等。我系有四十多位教授,四十名左右研究型硕士生和近两百名博士生。硕士学位的学习时间一般是 1-2 年,博士学位需要 4-5 年。研究生毕业去向涵盖业界的各大公司,如 Facebook,Google,IBM,Microsoft,阿里,百度,腾讯,华为等。博士毕业生多就职世界各地的大学和研究机构。有兴趣的同学可以浏览毕业生去向网站 (。


从 2010 年开始,香港政府每年在全港高校新招的博士生中甄选 Hong Kong PhD Fellowship (HKPFS) 获得者。获得 HKPFS 入学的学生每月的奖学金约两万港币。此外,在前三年,每年会享受一万港币的旅行补贴。最近四年,我系每年都有10位左右的同学获得HKPFS,是全香港高校计算机科学系中获奖人数最多的。

我系研究生招生要求入学时具有大学本科学位,专业成绩优良。此外入学时应有以下至少一项英语考试成绩:TOEFL(CBT) >= 580 或 IELTS >= 7 (各子项分数 >= 5.5) 或TOEFL(IBT) >= 92。

我们的招生分两阶段。第一阶段是提前招生,诚邀条件较为突出的博士生申请者,通过电话或者现场面试。请有意者於我系网站提交相关资讯(。如您无法打开以上网站,也可通过网址 下载离线申请表,并按要求提交相关资料至。我们将对收到的申请进行初选,然后邀请通过初选的同学参加提前招生面试。招生面试预计于9月19日在北京和9月20日在上海举行。具体面试时间和地点将通过邀请邮件通知。面试结果会在一到两周内通知(请尽早提交申请材料以方便我们进行初选)。对于无法参加北京和上海面试的特别优秀的学生,我们也可以将面试安排在别的城市或是通过Skype进行。


最后,我们鼓励特别优秀 (成绩排名前百分之十,平均分高於 85 分,英语水准优秀) 且旨在攻读博士学位的同学与我们联系 (,以谘询关於申请 HKPFS 的事宜。请大家及时关注香港科技大学的 HKPFS 网站(获取相关资讯。


HKUST/CSE PG Early Recruiting
Early application site:

The Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) is recruiting PhD students to start in Fall 2016. The early admission interviews will be held at Beijing on Sept. 19th, and at Shanghai on Sept. 20th, respectively. We are looking for outstanding undergraduate students as well as graduate students with a Master degree in Computer Science and related areas.

HKUST CSE department has been ranked among the top in various universal rankings in the computer science area. For example, in the recent QS World University Rankings and US News, our department has been selected as one of the top ten worldwide in the Subject of Computer Science and Information Systems. Our department has produced pioneering work in several areas, including but not limited to, artificial intelligence, data and knowledge management, data visualization and visual analytics, networks and distributed systems, software technologies, theoretical computer science and algorithms, and vision and graphics.

Our department consists of over 40 faculty members, about 40 MPhil students, and close to 200 PhD students. The MPhil study takes one to two years, and the PhD study four to five years. Many of our postgraduate alumni work at major IT companies such as Baidu, Alibaba, Facebook, Google, Huawei, IBM, Microsoft, and Tencent, and a significant number of our PhD graduates pursue their careers at research institutes and universities all over the world. If interested, please check out the departmental web page ( on where our PhD graduates go.

Postgraduate students have sufficient scholarship support during their study at HKUST. The amount of scholarship is about HKD180,000 (USD23,000) per person per year. The annual tuition of a postgraduate student is about HKD40,000 (USD5,000).The School of Engineering selects excellent postgraduate students to award additional scholarships to cover the tuition.

Starting in 2010, the Hong Kong government selects incoming PhD students to award the prestigious Hong Kong PHD Fellowship (HKPF) each year. The amount of the HKPF is around HKD20,000 (~USD2,500) per month. Additionally, each awardee has a travel allowance of HKD10,000 (~USD1,250) each year for the first three years. In the past four years, our department was awarded around 10 or more HKPFs each year, achieving the highest numbers of awardees among all Computer Science departments in Hong Kong.

Our postgraduate admissions require applicants to have good academic records in their areas of study and to have obtained a Bachelor's degree by the time of their HKUST enrollment. The English language requirement is to provide at least one of the following standard test scores effective at the time of HKUST enrollment: TOEFL(cbt) >= 580, IELTS >= 7 (with all sub-scores >= 5.5), or TOEFL(ibt) >= 92.

We recruit postgraduate students in two phases. The first phase is early recruiting, targeted at excellent PhD applicants through telephone or onsite interviews. To apply, you can fill out the preliminary application form at the departmental website ( If you cannot access the departmental early recruiting website, you can download the offline application form through the URL:, and submit your form and CV to We will process these applications and shortlist candidates to invite for on-site interviews. (Please submit your application as early as possible so that your application can be fully considered by our admission committee).

This year, the early admission interviews are planned to be held on Sept. 19th at Beijing and Sept. 20th at Shanghai. The detailed information will be emailed along with invitation. Applicants will be notified their interview results one to two weeks after their interviews. For those particularly excellent students who are not able to attend the interviews at Beijing or Shanghai, we may also arrange interviews at other cities or conduct interviews via Skype.

If you miss the early admission interviews, you can still submit your application to our department before the start of regular application of the HKUST Postgraduate Admissions (

After the early recruiting phase, applicants can then send regular application packages to the HKUST Postgraduate Admissions.

Finally, we encourage exceptional PhD applicants (top 10% in class, average grade higher than 85/100, excellent English) to contact us to inquire about the HKPF applications. Please find relevant information at the HKUST's HKPFS web site (

If you have any questions, feel free to contact
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