
新加坡南洋理工大学机械与宇航工程学院Khor Khiam Aik教授和李华教授目前正招收有材料或生物材料背景的博士后一名,2015年10月后入职。有兴趣的同学请发简历至,我们将会对符合条件的申请人进行面试。具体要求如下:
; 有材料/ 生物材料或相关方向的博士学位;
; 有生物陶瓷、纳米陶瓷、陶瓷制备等相关经验,熟悉材料表征技术;
; 有和医生合作的经验或有意愿与医生合作;
; 能独立完成实验,并有良好的相关论文发表记录。

Postdoctoral position available to work in School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Nanyang Technological University. Candidates must be able to work independently to drive research, provide assistance in both biological and materials aspects of several projects, and be comfortable working in a multidisciplinary environment. Candidates are expected to produce high-quality research (including publications), provide assistance to students and more junior researchers, and should be comfortable liaising with clinicians.
Required attributes:
; Candidate must have a PhD in materials, biomaterials or related field
; Candidate must have good spoken and written English communication skills
; Candidate must be familiar with materials characterisation techniques
; Experience in biomaterials development and/or advanced fabrication techniques
Desirable qualities:
; Knowledge of bioceramics, nanomaterials or sintering of ceramics
; Experience in advanced fabrications techniques (particularly CNC or fabrication with ceramic materials)
; Experience in working alongside clinicians
; Self-motivated and experienced in working in multidisciplinary field
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