0515 梅陇镇 敏感专业check

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专业space physics,主要学的应该是磁层物理。
我的I20上面写的general physics,TA是physics,但是小奖是Space Science给的。


Me: Good afternoon, Madam!
VO: Good afternoon. (递护照)
VO: Give me your I20.
Me: Okay, here you are.
VO: Thank you, what is your major?
Me: Physics.
VO: What?
Me: Physics! (中气十足)
VO: Oh, physics....
Me: Yes..
VO: What aspect will you study?
Me: Mid and upper atmospheric physics. (其实这里不太敢说我学space physics)
VO: What?
Me: Mid and upper atmospheric physics. (慢)
VO: Atmos...
Me: Yeah, atmospheric.
VO: So what does it mean?
Me: Ummm, atmospheric science means weather trend...tendency?(指天,我真没想过她会问我原专业,词穷乱编了开始)
VO: Ummm...
Me: But we mainly focus on mesosphere, magnetosphere...(此时观察了一下VO,我确定她不懂…我也不知道自己在乱说啥)
VO: 你有没有出国玩过(画风突变,用汉语问的)
Me: 没有(汉语回)
VO: What's your plan?
Me: As soon as I obtain my master degree, I will return back to China and find a job in my hometown.
VO: Oh, you have graduate assistantship. (指着I20)
Me: Yes. (这时候我都准备回答下一个问题是TA了)
VO: May I have...
Me: Offer?
VO: Yes.
Me: Here it is.
(我offer厚厚一沓,她开始翻,开始说过TA是物理学院给的,但是奖学金是Space Science给的,然后我看到她停在了奖学金那一页……打字,当时我整个人都斯巴达了。)
VO: Do you have bachelor degree?
Me: Yes ……(应该回答will...阿西吧)
VO: Where and when?
Me: XXXXXX.(学校名字太长了,还没来得及回答when,她就下一个了)
VO: Okay, how long will you study?
Me: It said 36 months.
VO: So where it is...
VO: Why do you choose this university?
Me: Because...because of its good reputation and a list of world-class...
VO: World-class....what?
Me: Faculty!
VO: So you know some of them?
Me: Um...actually my recommender advises me to apply for this university..
VO: Your advisor?
Me: No.
VO: Is it course-based or thesis-based?
Me: I think it might be course-based, actually the department didn't tell me about this, they might let me decide at the beginning of this semester.
VO: So do you have advisor?
Me: The department didn't tell me either..
VO: So you don't have an advisor now?
VO: You said this is course-based program...
Me: Yeah I think it is...
VO: But you still want to do research...
Me: Nooooo..
VO: Give me your CV.
Me: Yeah, here you are.
VO: Can I see your study plan?
Me: Ok.
VO: It will take several weeks and you can check....through this website....blabla (指着着红条比划)
Me: Okay...
VO: Okay..
Me: Goodbye.
VO: Oh, give me your DS160, 就是有照片那个(是用汉语说的这句)
然后她说了很长一句告别词。。没听清楚- -

其实她要了我的CV和study plan根本没看,这种情况应该就是传说的不太懂回头再慢慢看吧。
还有导师的问题,我至今不知道我那个算不算有导师,而且这个导师到底是research advisor还是academic advisor,各种不清楚。


补充内容 (2015-5-16 22:55):
前面重复的mid and upper atmospheric physics是因为VO当时在录入我的专业没有听清楚我说的话,后面才问的这专业是做什么的- -
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