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[/align][align="left"]如何被CMU的硕士项目录取[/align][align="left"]众所周知CMU的CS专业还是不错的。硕士毕业生一般都有美国大公司的一把offers。这也是为啥很多学生想要进入这个学校而且申请的竞争非常激烈。但是CMU的计算机有二十八个错综复杂的硕士项目。其中有research program为以后读PhD做准备,也有professional master program为想进入工业界的同学进行培训。这一点很多学生都没有搞清楚,也没有明确的职业规划,所以常常选错项目。如果你读了个research program,但是又没能进入PhD项目,那么拿到工作offer的机率就会显著降低,因为公司不会招master去做研究。想要找一个好工作,那么就应该进入professional master项目,因为学习的知识与工业界的需求相吻合。很多学生根本没搞清楚这一点就申请了“Master program in Computer Science”。进入这个项目的难度非常大,因为每年都有近千人申请但是只有30~40的录取名额。事实上,有很多平行项目没怎么有人知道也没怎么有人申请,所以竞争自然小也就容易被录取。最终你一样能拿到CMU的CS硕士学位。这个情况并不为广大同学们理解。当申请一个项目的时候,主要参考的因素有:专业课程,毕业后的工作录取率(100%, 80% or 50%) ,还有他们的工作地点。有些项目清晰地发布了这些关键信息。但是有些项目没有,因为这些项目工作录取率底而且大都是些consulting的工作(意思是说比较Low)。教育是一项投资,希望同学们谨慎选择可以让自己机会最大化的硕士项目。[/align][align="left"]
[/align][align="left"]The secret to get into CMU[/align][align="left"] [/align][align="left"]Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) is ranked as number 1 in Computer Science. Its graduates often received several offers from top companies. That is why so many students want to enroll in CMU and competition to its master degree programs are very competitive. The fact is the School of Computer Science at CMU has twenty eight master programs, many are research master programs that lead to PhDs but some are professional master programs that focus on training specific skills for students who want to work in the industry. Without understand this and clearly define career goals, many students are making mistake by selecting the wrong master programs. If you are enrolled in research master programs but could not get into a PhD programs then the chance to get a job is slim because few companies would hire research graduates with only a Master degree. To best chance to get a good job in the industry and H1B is to enroll in the professional master programs where you will learn specific skills that meet the needs of the industry. Without clearly distinguish the specific program, many students just apply to the generic “Master program in Computer Science”, this is one of the most difficult program to get in due to its high number of applicants (over thousand) but the program only accept about 30 to 40 per year. There are other master programs that have fewer applicants and less competitive, so it is easier to get in. In the end you still have a Master degree from the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon. This is a secret that only few students know. When applying to a professional master program, it is important for applicants to look at the curriculum, the ratio of graduates that get good jobs(100%, 80% or 50%) as well as where do they work. Some programs clearly identify these numbers and where their graduates work. But some do not, which means they do not have a good placement ratio or their students may only get jobs as contracted workers for consulting firms. Education is a major investment and it is your choice to get into the best programs that will give you the best opportunities so conduct your research carefully. [/align]
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