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综排161,专排91,而且地理位置已经不能用村来形容了,全州就50万人,的学校还是给了拒信。邮件内容Thank you for your interest in graduate studies in the Department of Civil & Architectural Engineering at the University of Wyoming. The Graduate Committee has thoroughly reviewed your application and I regret to inform you that we are unable to offer you admission to our program. This academic year, we have been fortunate to receive many outstanding applications. Our graduate programs can support only a limited number of highly qualified students, making the admissions process highly selective. Please understand that the Committee's decision is principally a reflection of the extraordinary talent represented in our applicant pool.[align="left"] We appreciate your interest in graduate studies at the University of Wyoming and wish you success in your future academic and professional pursuits.[/align][align="left"] 没办法,看来剑走偏锋,申非主流学校还是要被拒。。保底看来还是得SIT, IIT。[/align]