6th REJ From NWU

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拒的真够委婉的……整个拒信除了第一句全是推荐我再去申请Information Assuarnce的,顿时我就……

Although we were not able to offer you a place in our Computer Science program, we wanted to invite you to consider another great opportunity in the College of Computer and Information Science. With cyber-attacks accelerating, there is an acute shortage of trained information assurance professionals and an escalating need for their skills, and our MS in Information Assurance program provides a unique interdisciplinary opportunity for students to gain expertise in network security, navigating issues including identity theft, computer viruses, and electronic fraud. The program also teaches students how to become leaders in the field and successfully develop and manage risk assessment strategies. Furthermore, the program is very customizable, allowing students to tailor their schedules to fit with individual educational and career goals. The field of information technology and cyber security is growing at a rapid pace, and 100% of graduates from our MS in Information Assurance program have successfully secured employment upon completion of the program.

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