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CMU(MIIS,2/9) CMU(MCDS,3/12) 一月底被CMU ebiz录了的幸运果然木有再延续,CMU还是看穿了窝这个大水货,两个相当不错的项目结果都被拒了。听说MCDS去年比较放水,今年果然变小年了嘛,不过毫无相关经历的窝其实根本不该报侥幸心理。
EPFL(3/4) 很喜欢法语、大学也一直在学,但很遗憾被拒了,他家的CS应该真心蛮强的。
Maryland(3/13) 当初做好调研的话就不该申他家了,又浪费一所申请费=。= 据说是MS比PhD招的还少吧,地里可见的ad我记得只有一只,其他便都是血了。同专业有同学递交材料后被系里联系建议转申博,像窝酱紫完全没被联系的应该就是直接被无视了吧~
UIUC(3/16) 玉米地准时的315,当日可见地里一片哀鸿遍野(乱用成语),当时申的MCS,本来以为录取标准会比MS低一些,于是还是想多了么。。。
Columbia(3/27) 水水的哥大也悲剧,但那时见地里已经稀稀落落地报了两波ad(记得第一波是早早发出,要求3/16前做决定)所以心里也释然,既然哥大没有第一眼就看中窝,窝也不想再当它的备胎了吧,即使录了的话也大概会因为学费比较贵,不大会去~
Gatech(3/28) 说好的和交大是友好学校的呢,之前听说交大的T100+ G323 3.5/4.0 GPA 85+就肯定进,估计也是无妄的流言而已吧~ 大概,自己的实力还是够不到top10的水平吧。

今天还清了Dartmouth, USC, ETH 三个ad, 大致是这么写的邮件,参考某篇人人日志,求大家在措辞上给点建议吧(信都发出去了还费神马话>_<):
[align="left"]Dear Admission Office,[/align][align="left"] [/align][align="left"]I am xxx, an international applicant who has been admitted to your university. It is really my pleasure to learn that I have been offered admission to the xxx program at xxx. I consider it as my great honor that you can give me the chance to study there.[/align][align="left"]However, I'm very sorry to say that I have to decline this offer with deep regret, for I decide to accept the offer of admission from xxx in the end. It's really a hard decision for me to make, for both of your universities are very excellent. I am much appreciated for your precious time and effort in evaluating my application in this case. I sincerely hope this will not cause too much inconvenience to you.[/align][align="left"]The xxx department at xxx is widely recognized as one of the most diverse and active department in the world, so I firmly believe that you will be very successful in recruiting new students.[/align][align="left"]Again, I want to express my deep gratefulness to your offer and warm welcome.[/align][align="left"] [/align][align="left"]Sincerely yours,[/align]

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