来自本校gwu的友情PhD AD(STAT+BIOSTAT)

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之前很早已经告知系里拿到了别家的offer,但系里还是给我发了两发ad,我同时申请了统计和生统,算是留个纪念吧。 统计的还没发正式通知,这个是生统的正式通知。

PS:地里基本没报过gwu的PhD offer是因为一般offer优先发给本校ms转PhD的学生。比如前年就有8个。。。

The admissions committee of Columbian College of Arts and Sciences has reviewed your application and recommended you for admission to the Ph.D. program in the field of Biostatistics for the Fall 2015 semester.
[/align][align="left"]The applications for University Fellowships and Graduate Teaching Assistantships have been reviewed and I regret to inform you that we are not able to offer you an award. Before final action can be taken on your admission, you need to certify that you have sufficient funds to complete your degree program. [/align]
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