3rd AD from stat@Columbia

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之前已经收到了stat@UW和CS@UCSD, 这家应该是不会去了.
答复时间是3月25日, 这家似乎有waitinglist的, 如果有需要可以的在此之前联系我, 可以帮忙refer (攒人品啊~)
(update: 已经refer了最先联系我的人, 晚到的不好意思.....)

BTW, 哥大统计课程设置\平台其实都挺好的, 招人"水"不代表课程"水", 还是看个人吧, 出来混不容易, 大家不用过分黑它......


Dear XXXX,

On behalf of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences of Columbia University, I am pleased to offer you admission as a candidate for the degree of Master of Arts in Statistics, beginning in Fall 2015. We look forward to welcoming you to our community of scholars.

Please note that we will be unable to offer you fellowship support. Our Financial Aid Office website provides information about financing your studies, which we hope you will find helpful.

Columbia University housing is extremely limited. If you would like to be considered for University housing, please apply online. In order to apply, you will need the Sign Up Code (XXXXXXX) and your personal identification number, or PID (XXXXXXX). We recommend that you submit your online application for University housing as soon as possible. Additionally, Columbia offers assistance with finding non-University housing. For more information, please visit the Off-Campus Housing Assistance (OCHA) website.

Your admission will be considered official only upon our receipt and verification of official paper transcripts from any school you have attended, showing the award of all degrees you have received. We will contact you only if we have a question about any of the documents submitted.

We ask that you reply to our offer of admission by submitting our online response form by March 25. You will be able to access your response form via your Applicant Status page. In order to secure your place in the entering class, you must also submit a $750 non-refundable tuition deposit through the online application system via a credit card payment. Your acceptance of the offer of admission is not complete until you submit the tuition deposit.

International students: If you are accepting the offer, we strongly urge you to apply for your I-20 online as soon as possible to expedite the process of obtaining a student visa.

Once again, congratulations. I look forward to your joining us at Columbia.
