申的Phd in Stat被扔去MS in Actuarial Science了...

男朋友今天下午一点多收到系里chair of graduation admission的email通知...说系里准备recommend your admission了...

这算不算是备胎的命.....继NCSU WL之后..又被U Iowa扔到精算MS项目里了(申的明明是Phd in STAT!!!)...不过他说"Please be noted that in our department almost all Ph.D. students are first admitted to a master program. After you come, based on your performance we’ll decide whether or not to encourage you to do Ph.D. with us (in statistics with concentration in actuarial science/mathematical finance)"...看来估计是他家的传统做法?...@@....然后又说shortlist you on TA Support...所以姑且报成AD小奖吧...

话说地里有没有同学了解过U Iowa的精算项目?...查了些资料好像还不错的样子....不过男朋友以后不希望只做精算方向..所以这个项目对他来说可能只是去他家PHD in STAT with concentration in actuarial science/mathematical finance的stepstone....所以想了解一下读完MS之后转正PHD的机会多不多呀~求指点~~~