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美国弗吉尼亚联邦大学的 Wei-Ning Wang教授想招收有材料科学或者化学专业背景的博士生。该校的英语要求是:GRE (Q150+)总分没有要求,TOEFL 90+或者IELTS 6.5 +。如果条件合适的话,应该会给全奖(一年26000美元)。有兴趣的同学可以发邮件与Wang教授联系,邮箱:1point3acres.com

Job description and Requirements

Financial support (full scholarship) is available for two PhD student positions in the Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering (MNE) in the School of Engineering at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) in Fall 2015. The research focus is on advanced functional materials for energy and environmental applications, such as photocatalysts, luminescent materials (phosphors), sensors, battery electrodes and solar cells. Highly motivated students with solid training in Materials Science and Engineering, Materials Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Applied Chemistry or Solid State Physics are encouraged to apply.

Candidates with strong experimental skills in advanced functional materials synthesis (e.g., gas phase and/or wet-chemical methods, such as ALD, CVD, PVD, sol-gel, and hydrothermal) and characterization (such as TEM, SEM, AFM, XRD, BET, UV-VIS, FT-IR, and photoluminescent analysis) will be considered a plus. The successful candidate should have strong motivation and passion in doing research on advanced functional materials.

English proficiency: GRE and TOEFL (or IELTS) are required for admission by VCU. Applicants should have excellent oral and written communication skills.


Virginia Commonwealth University (vcu.edu) is a public research university located in Richmond, Virginia (98 miles south of Washington, D.C.). VCU is classified as a Tier 1 research university with very high research activity by the Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education. The School of Engineering has outstanding state-of-the-art instructional and research facilities, and offers MS, PhD as well as ABET accredited undergraduate programs in Computer Science, Biomedical Engineering, Chemical& Life Science Engineering, Electrical & Computer Engineering, and Mechanical & Nuclear Engineering. MNE is the largest department at VCU's School of Engineering, with total undergraduate and graduate enrollments around 500 and 70 students, respectively. MNE currently has over 20 full-time faculty with research areas that include smart materials and sensors, robotics and mechatronics, manufacturing, computational mechanics, energy conversion systems, high temperature materials, radiation transport, flow control, thermal-hydraulics and micro/nanotechnology.

Dr. Wang’s personal website: sites.google.com
VCU international admission: international.admissions.vcu.edu
School of Engineering: pubapps.vcu.edu