亚麻h1b Fragomen pp timeline分享

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楼主之前在上家公司请了std,而且在10月份以后工资单上就没有pay了,最终还是h1b transfer成功了,感恩,感谢世界!

  • 15 NOV 2024Completed questionnaire received from foreign national
  • 15 NOV 2024System generated: Initiation received and case record opened
  • 15 NOV 2024Contacted client with case instructions and request for documents
  • 22 NOV 2024All documentation required to process case received
  • 25 NOV 2024Draft forms/documents sent for review
  • 26 NOV 2024Draft forms with changes/approval received
  • 27 NOV 2024Forms/documents sent to employer for review and signature
  • 04 DEC 2024Forms/documents prepared for internal Fragomen review
  • 06 DEC 2024All certified and signed documents received and requirements for filing have been met
  • 09 DEC 2024Case filed with USCIS. Current USCIS processing times can be found at uscis.gov.
  • 12 DEC 2024Email notification of receipt number received from USCIS
  • 19 DEC 2024Receipt notice received from USCIS

En 20 de Diciembre de 2024, aprobamos su Formulario I-129, Petición de Trabajador No Inmigrante, Número de Recibo ....... Si no recibe su notificación para el 19 de Enero de 2025, visite egov.uscis.gov para solicitar una copia de la notificación. Si cambia de domicilio, visite uscis.gov para notificarnos su nueva dirección postal.(ioe已省略)
