【急招】University of Utah-采矿工程-尾矿管理方向-全奖博1名-2025 Spring/Fall
学校: University of Utah
专业:Mining Engineering
入学:2025 Spring/Fall (最好2025年5月前后能入学)
; Sedimentation and consolidation 尾矿沉降和固结
; Filtration performance of thickened tailings 尾矿过滤
; Rheological, geotechnical, and mechanical behaviors of tailings 尾矿的蠕变和土力学特性
; Paste tailings backfill 膏体充填
; Stability of tailings storage facilities 尾矿库稳定性
; CO2 sequestration in tailings management 尾矿材料固碳
导师简介: Dr. Yuan (Stuart) Li
I am currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mining Engineering at the University of Utah. I earned my PhD in Mining Engineering from the University of British Columbia, where I studied under the supervision of Professor Dirk van Zyl. My research focuses on advancing mine tailings management, with a particular emphasis on dewatering methods through sedimentation and filtration techniques.
I also explore the rheological properties, mechanical behavior, and geotechnical characteristics of various types of tailings. In the management of tailings storage facilities (TSFs), my work addresses key safety challenges and the environmental impact of tailings. Additionally, I am interested in the potential of utilizing tailings for carbon capture and storage, investigating their role in CO2 sequestration.
Beyond academia, I have industry experience working with consulting firms such as SRK, HATCH, and AECOM, where I was involved in geotechnical field investigations, tailings dam design, and stability analysis.
标准化考试要求:托福80 or 雅思 6.5
全奖博士一个名额。入学时间最早为 2025年春/秋 ,可以根据实际情况商定。
本科为采矿工程,土木工程,选矿工程,地质工程以及其他相关专业均可申请,有兴趣的同学请把申请材料(CV, 成绩单等)发至:[email protected]
犹他大学(The University of Utah),简称The U,是一所位于美国犹他州的高等教育旗舰型大学,也是一所美国R1公立研究型大学,属于北美研究型大学联盟美国大学协会(AAU)。犹他大学校始建于1850年。作为美国西部最著名且最古老的公立大学之一,该校拥有5位诺贝尔奖、8位麦克阿瑟奖、3位图灵奖、17位美国科学院与工程院院士、22位罗德学者、2位宇航员,是全美科研经费投资TOP50,美国能源部投资的5所大学之一,被卡内基高等教育委员会归为特高研究型大学(Top-tier Research university)。犹他大学位于盐湖城,北面有著名的黄石国家公园,南面有各类大峡谷,西面大盐湖为北美最大咸水湖,东面的瓦萨其山脉有享誉北美的滑雪场,盐湖城是2002年冬奥会举办地,也即将于2034此次举办冬奥会。非常适合户外运动爱好者来此工作学习。
专业:Mining Engineering
入学:2025 Spring/Fall (最好2025年5月前后能入学)
; Sedimentation and consolidation 尾矿沉降和固结
; Filtration performance of thickened tailings 尾矿过滤
; Rheological, geotechnical, and mechanical behaviors of tailings 尾矿的蠕变和土力学特性
; Paste tailings backfill 膏体充填
; Stability of tailings storage facilities 尾矿库稳定性
; CO2 sequestration in tailings management 尾矿材料固碳
导师简介: Dr. Yuan (Stuart) Li
I am currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mining Engineering at the University of Utah. I earned my PhD in Mining Engineering from the University of British Columbia, where I studied under the supervision of Professor Dirk van Zyl. My research focuses on advancing mine tailings management, with a particular emphasis on dewatering methods through sedimentation and filtration techniques.
I also explore the rheological properties, mechanical behavior, and geotechnical characteristics of various types of tailings. In the management of tailings storage facilities (TSFs), my work addresses key safety challenges and the environmental impact of tailings. Additionally, I am interested in the potential of utilizing tailings for carbon capture and storage, investigating their role in CO2 sequestration.
Beyond academia, I have industry experience working with consulting firms such as SRK, HATCH, and AECOM, where I was involved in geotechnical field investigations, tailings dam design, and stability analysis.
标准化考试要求:托福80 or 雅思 6.5
全奖博士一个名额。入学时间最早为 2025年春/秋 ,可以根据实际情况商定。
本科为采矿工程,土木工程,选矿工程,地质工程以及其他相关专业均可申请,有兴趣的同学请把申请材料(CV, 成绩单等)发至:[email protected]
犹他大学(The University of Utah),简称The U,是一所位于美国犹他州的高等教育旗舰型大学,也是一所美国R1公立研究型大学,属于北美研究型大学联盟美国大学协会(AAU)。犹他大学校始建于1850年。作为美国西部最著名且最古老的公立大学之一,该校拥有5位诺贝尔奖、8位麦克阿瑟奖、3位图灵奖、17位美国科学院与工程院院士、22位罗德学者、2位宇航员,是全美科研经费投资TOP50,美国能源部投资的5所大学之一,被卡内基高等教育委员会归为特高研究型大学(Top-tier Research university)。犹他大学位于盐湖城,北面有著名的黄石国家公园,南面有各类大峡谷,西面大盐湖为北美最大咸水湖,东面的瓦萨其山脉有享誉北美的滑雪场,盐湖城是2002年冬奥会举办地,也即将于2034此次举办冬奥会。非常适合户外运动爱好者来此工作学习。