弗吉尼亚理工 化学系 Lina Quan组 全奖博士招生

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弗吉尼亚理工大学是一所位于美国东岸弗吉尼亚州的著名公立大学,成立于1872年, 是一所为以工科为主的顶尖公立研究型大学,综合排名全美第51名(US News 2024). 理工学科在世界范围内享有极高声誉,师资力量雄厚,有20位教授被选为美国科学院院士或美国工程院院士。作为全弗吉尼亚州最大的镇之一,黑堡以气候舒适、风景优美、治安良好、人们安居乐业而享誉全美。宁静美丽的黑堡曾经被评为美国十大梦想小镇之一,全美最宜居小镇之一,也曾经被评为全美八大佳处之一。

Dr. Lina Quan research group in the Department of Chemistry at Virginia Tech has two Ph.D. positions in the area of solid state hybrid semiconductors (i.e., halide perovskites) and time-resolved optical spectroscopy. The group's research focuses on developing new solid-state materials for energy conversion and storage, with a particular interest in the dynamic crystalline nature of organic-inorganic hybrid systems and their light-matter interactions under external stimuli. Offered candidates are expected to start in the Fall of 2025. Visiting students/scholars are always welcome.

Students with Bachelor’s or Master’s degree from all science and engineering majors, especially Chemistry, Materials science, Applied Physics and Electrical Engineering are encouraged to apply. Self-motivated candidates with a strong foundations are particularly welcome.

Dr. Lina Quan (中文名:全俐娜) received her Ph.D. degree in Chemistry from Ewha Womans University, Korea in 2016. She was an graduate researcher jointly with Prof. Dong Ha Kim and Prof. Edward Sargent (now at Northwestern University). She was a postdoctoral fellow at University of California, Berkeley (Prof. Peidong Yang group, 2018-2020) before she joins Virginia Tech in 2021. Dr. Quan has authored and co-authored more than 70 peer-reviewed journal publications including Science, Nature, Nature Nanotechnology, Nature Photonics, Nature Communications, Journal of American Chemical Society, Advanced Materials and Matter etc.. She has been recognized as the US Department of Energy Early Career Research Award, Scialog Fellow, the web of science highly cited researcher from 2019-2023 and the Materials Research Society Graduate Student Award in 2016. More information and the lab’s website can be found on Dr. Quan’s group webpage at (quan-research.com). Google scholar: scholar.google.com

Interested candidates send your CV, research statement, and contact information of their at least two references to 1point3acres.com