埃默里大学 (Emory) 计算机系Dr. Kai Shu 招2025fall PhD - Trustworthy LLM/DM/NLP

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帮老板招生,我是Dr. Kai Shu的Ph.D.学生,主页是 canyuchen.com 如果有相关问题,也欢迎wx联系我:alexccychen

导师邮箱:kai.shu at emory.edu

Kai Shu is an Assistant Professor in the computerscience.emory.edu at emory.edu. His research lies in machine learning, data mining, social computing with applications such as disinformation, education, and healthcare. Prior to joining Emory in 2024, he was the Gladwin Development Chair Assistant Professor in Computer Science at Illinois Institute of Technology. He obtained his PhD in Computer Science at asu.edu, under the supervision of Professor public.asu.edu. He is the recipient of 2024 NSF CAREER Award, 2024 IIT College of Computing Dean's Excellence in Research Award, 2023 Microsoft Accelerate Foundation Models Research Award, 2023 DARPA AI Forward Scholarship Award, 2023 AAAI New Faculty Highlights, 2023/2022 Cisco Faculty Research Awards, the finalist of a 2022 Meta Research Award, and 2020 ASU Engineering Dean's Dissertation Award. He interned at Microsoft Research AI, Yahoo Research and HP Labs. His research is generously supported by federal agencies such as NSF, DARPA, IARPA, DHS, and DOE, as well as industrial collaborators such as Cisco, Google, and Microsoft.

I am ACTIVELY looking for Postdocs and multiple self-motivated PhD students to conduct research in the area of data mining, machine learning, social computing, and natural language processing. Interested students please feel free to drop me an email with your CV and transcript (I can not reply to every individual email).

Research Interests
  • AI for Social Good: dis-/misinformation, privacy, security, healthcare.
  • Trustworthy AI: interpretability, robustness, fairness.
  • Learning with Imperfect Data: self-/weakly-supervised learning, meta learning, data augmentation.
  • Applied Machine Learning: text/graph mining, multimodal learning, adversarial learning.
  • Large Foundation Models: factuality, reliability, safety.

埃默里大学(Emory University)计算机系Dr. Kai Shu 招2025fall全奖PhD - Trustworthy LLM/DM/NLP

US News Ranking 2024:
- Emory 在美国综合排名:24。
- Emory 在世界排名: 63。
- Emory计算机系排名: 64 (计算机系于2018年单独成系,之后一直在快速扩张,稳步上升)。

埃默里大学(EmoryUniversity)始建于1836年,是一所著名的私立研究型大学,别称“新常春藤,”“南方哈佛”;生活方面,埃默里大学在美国的第九大城市亚特兰大市,是全美国亚洲人比例最高的城市之一,安全方便,气候宜人,生活成本相较于其他大城市要低很多,距离亚特兰大机场30分钟车程,基本可以直达全球各大机场,交通非常便利。 Emory校园很美,颇有些人文色彩。同时,Emory在亚特兰大的富人区,治安良好,到亚特兰大downtown和中国城,大约都是20分钟左右车程,中国城有非常地道的中餐。

关于EmoryPhD申请详情请见 computerscienceemoryedmissions

PhD program. The recommended deadline for applying to our PhD program for Fall admissions is January 1 of that year (e.g. for Fall 2025 admissions, the deadline is Jan 1, 2025).

补充内容 (2024-10-16 18:24 +08:00):

另外我们组长期招remote intern,欢迎直接联系我

补充内容 (2024-10-16 18:42 +08:00):

visiting student或者postdoc也可以联系我

补充内容 (2024-10-16 19:51 +08:00):

- AI,NLP,Data Mining,Web & Information Retrieval实力强劲, 对相关方向感兴趣的小伙伴不容错过。
- Emory的Medicine和Public Health (top 3)非常强势,非常适合对AI4Science or AI4health感兴趣的小伙伴。
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    另外我们组长期招remote intern,欢迎直接联系我