匹兹堡大学(University of Pittsburgh) 工学院方雷课题组现招收2名全奖流体力学博士(2025 秋季入学),主要课题是生物生成的混合 (biologically generated mixing)和说话引发的湍流。生物生成的混合通常是指由生物活动导致的水体的混合。这种混合有时会影响到生态系统的结构和功能,比如营养物质的分布、氧气的传输等。我们最近购置了目前最先进的高速相机。我们诚邀机械工程、土木与环境工程、物理等专业有实验流体力学背景的同学申请。
方雷博士, 2020年博士毕业于斯坦福大学(Stanford University),博士导师为Nicholas Ouellette,同年秋季加入匹兹堡大学土木与环境工程系,任职助理教授 (Tenure-track Assistant Professor),目前兼任机械工程与材料科学系AP。他在Physical Review Letters,PNAS nexus, Physical Review Fluids,Physics of Fluids,Chaos等期刊发表过多篇文章。也是Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Physical Review Fluids, Physics of Fluids, Environmental Fluid Mechanics, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science等期刊的审稿人。同时也是美国国家自然基金:流体动力学基金审稿人。课题组主要研究方向为:环境流体力学,湍流动力学与生物、环境、疾病、健康的结合,以及新流体实验方法的设计。
现在课题组仍在早期快速成长阶段,方老师会手把手指导每一位学生如何做实验、分析数据、写论文,参加国际会议,感兴趣的同学可以尽快邮件联系(1point3acres.com),标题请注明“Prospective Pitt Ph.D.”,并且附上简历和成绩单。欢迎访问方雷博士的个人主页和实验室网站 engineering.pitt.edu; leifang.org
匹兹堡大学在2024-2025 USNews Best Global Universities Rankings中排名第50名:usnews.com; 匹兹堡市多年被列为美国友好、宜居城市榜单:visitpittsburgh.com
Fully Funded Ph.D. Positions in Biologically Generated Mixing and Speaking-generated Turbulent Puffs at University of Pittsburgh
Two fully funded Ph.D. positions (starting Fall 2025) are available for biologically generated mixing and speaking-generated turbulent puff projects at Prof. Lei Fang’s lab at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Pittsburgh.
We are seeking a highly motivated and organized person for a unique opportunity to conduct research on biologically generated mixing – a phenomenon often influenced by swimmer’s swimming. Another project is about the speaking-generated turbulent puff. The person should demonstrate exceptional project management skills. The successful applicantshould have a strong background in civil and environmental engineering, mechanical engineering, or related fields, have an excellent academic record, and work well in a collaborative research environment. The candidate with experimental fluid mechanics techniques and background knowledge of turbulence is highly valued.
Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled.
Your application should include:
- Cover letter
- Curriculum Vitae
- Transcript
- 1-page statement of your past research
- Three references
E-mail your materials to 1point3acres.com. You are strongly welcome to initiate the discussion with your CV and transcript.
For further information or questions about this position, you may contact: Prof. Lei Fang (1point3acres.com).
Strongly encourage candidates from underrepresented minority groups and women to apply for this position. The University of Pittsburgh is an Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer.
Pittsburgh has been consistently ranked as one of the most livable cities in the US (visitpittsburgh.com).
方雷博士, 2020年博士毕业于斯坦福大学(Stanford University),博士导师为Nicholas Ouellette,同年秋季加入匹兹堡大学土木与环境工程系,任职助理教授 (Tenure-track Assistant Professor),目前兼任机械工程与材料科学系AP。他在Physical Review Letters,PNAS nexus, Physical Review Fluids,Physics of Fluids,Chaos等期刊发表过多篇文章。也是Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Physical Review Fluids, Physics of Fluids, Environmental Fluid Mechanics, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science等期刊的审稿人。同时也是美国国家自然基金:流体动力学基金审稿人。课题组主要研究方向为:环境流体力学,湍流动力学与生物、环境、疾病、健康的结合,以及新流体实验方法的设计。
现在课题组仍在早期快速成长阶段,方老师会手把手指导每一位学生如何做实验、分析数据、写论文,参加国际会议,感兴趣的同学可以尽快邮件联系(1point3acres.com),标题请注明“Prospective Pitt Ph.D.”,并且附上简历和成绩单。欢迎访问方雷博士的个人主页和实验室网站 engineering.pitt.edu; leifang.org
匹兹堡大学在2024-2025 USNews Best Global Universities Rankings中排名第50名:usnews.com; 匹兹堡市多年被列为美国友好、宜居城市榜单:visitpittsburgh.com
Fully Funded Ph.D. Positions in Biologically Generated Mixing and Speaking-generated Turbulent Puffs at University of Pittsburgh
Two fully funded Ph.D. positions (starting Fall 2025) are available for biologically generated mixing and speaking-generated turbulent puff projects at Prof. Lei Fang’s lab at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Pittsburgh.
We are seeking a highly motivated and organized person for a unique opportunity to conduct research on biologically generated mixing – a phenomenon often influenced by swimmer’s swimming. Another project is about the speaking-generated turbulent puff. The person should demonstrate exceptional project management skills. The successful applicantshould have a strong background in civil and environmental engineering, mechanical engineering, or related fields, have an excellent academic record, and work well in a collaborative research environment. The candidate with experimental fluid mechanics techniques and background knowledge of turbulence is highly valued.
Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled.
Your application should include:
- Cover letter
- Curriculum Vitae
- Transcript
- 1-page statement of your past research
- Three references
E-mail your materials to 1point3acres.com. You are strongly welcome to initiate the discussion with your CV and transcript.
For further information or questions about this position, you may contact: Prof. Lei Fang (1point3acres.com).
Strongly encourage candidates from underrepresented minority groups and women to apply for this position. The University of Pittsburgh is an Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer.
Pittsburgh has been consistently ranked as one of the most livable cities in the US (visitpittsburgh.com).