美国oregon state university EECS 招2025Fall博士生

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替我现在的实验室招生,Dr. Figueiredo刚转至oregon state university现在欢迎有兴趣的伙伴加入


Professor Renato Figueiredo has recently joined the School of EECS at Oregon State University and is currently recruiting exceptional, self-motivated PhD students to join his group. His current areas of interest are in Function-as-a-Service cloud computing and edge computing applied to interdisciplinary problems, including ecological forecasting. Desired skills:

- Strong academic background with a solid foundation in math and computer engineering/science with a minimum bachelor’s degree in ECE or CS with a solid GPA. Candidates with an MS degree and strong background in computer systems (including virtualization, operating systems, distributed systems) will be given preference
- Strong communication skills
- A team player with interest and willingness to collaborate with researchers in other disciplines

For more information about ongoing projects/publications, please visit renatof.github.io
If you are interested in applying, please feel free to contact Dr. Figueiredo by email first to introduce yourself.

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