麦吉尔大学全奖招收病毒及细胞生物学, 荧光成像方向博士(2025秋季入学)或博士后

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麦吉尔大学(Mcgill University)刘谦课题组现招收病毒及细胞生物学或荧光成像方向博士(2025秋季入学)或博士后。麦吉尔大学是一所世界排名前30 的公立研究型大学 (2024 QS international university ranking: 30)。学校位于加拿大魁北克省的蒙特利尔。刘谦课题组利用自主搭建的基于单分子定位技术和结构光荧光显微技术的超分辨显微镜研究病毒感染细胞的过程及该过程中涉及的细胞先天免疫及防疫机制(mcgill.cascholar.google.ca。今次招收的博士或博士后项目主要涉及利用超分辨显微镜技术和数学模型研究病毒在宿主细胞中的装配和释放。项目成果可在顶级专业期刊上发表并有多次在国际会议上交流与展示的机会。在读期间也可获得与加拿大业界及政府交流合作的机会。研究组为博士生提供全额奖学金覆盖生活费及学费。


1)入学前需要取得下列相关专业的本科,硕士(博士生申请者)或博士(博后申请者)学位:细胞生物学,病毒学/微生物学,生物化学,化学,生物物理学,免疫学等。 博士后需要有独立的科研能力并有在专业期刊发表的科研成果。




如有兴趣,请将英文简历,研究兴趣(不超过半页)和两位推荐人联系信息印成一个.pdf文件发送至[email protected]。如有兴趣申请CSC的奖学金资助,请在简历中备注。

Dr. Liu is interested in understanding the interplay between viruses and the membrane bound organelles, cytoskeleton and physiological activities of the host cell, as it relates to the nature of virus infections, innate immune responses and the structure and function of a cell. Specifically, her research has been focusing on mapping out the spatial and temporal organizations, dynamics and stoichiometry of the virus-host interaction networks by using super-resolution microscopy and biomathematics approaches. Her research largely depends on custom-built super-resolution microscopes, including a single-molecule localization microscope with a 10 nm spatial resolution and a confocal structure

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illuminated microscope (mcgill.ca). Successful candidates will work on projects that address questions in virus assembly and budding. Successful candidates will have access to 1) custom-made super-resolution microscopes that can be adapted to your own research purposes; 2) a dynamic, highly motivated team with diverse culture and knowledge backgrounds; 3) excellent core facilities equipped with cutting-edge commercial microscopes; 4) opportunities for attending international conferences and interactions with leaders in academia, government, and industry.

Applicants must have strong interest and motivation in interdisciplinary research.  

Applicants must hold a Ph.D. degree in cell biology, virology, microbiology, biophysics, biochemistry, molecular biology, immunology or related fields by the time of the appointment starts. Experience and skills in biology and imaging laboratory are highly appreciated. Applicants must show proficiency in English writing and speaking. Applicants who are not Canadian permanent residency or citizen are encouraged to apply for external funding. Please send your application in ONE .pdf file including curriculum vitae, a statement of research interest (one paragraph) and the contact information of two references to Dr. Liu ([email protected]).
***The application deadline for 2025 Fall admission is January 15th, 2025. Please see [url=mcgill.ca]mcgill.ca for details.