[教授本人贴] 内布拉斯林肯分校(UNL)招收全奖25届CS博士生(ML/Network/自动驾驶)
University of Nebraska – Lincoln (UNL) 计算机系 Dr. Qiang Liu组 ( cse.unl.edu )计划招收1-2名CS博士生. 入学时间可选Spring或Fall 2025。我们组现有4个PhD学生,方向分布于wireless network, digital twin, and edge computing。我们组有多个active NSF/USDA/DoT/NASA资助的项目,以及工业界赞助和长期稳定的合作。我们组项目资金相对充裕,能很好的support学生,包括学费,工资,设备,空间,还有时间。
(1) 未来网络系统,B5G/6G, O-RAN, AI-Native Networks
(2) 机器学习,增强学习,Trustworthy AI for Network Systems
(3) 自动驾驶, 机器人, Autonomous Driving and Robots
(4) 数字孪生,Digital Twin for Transportation, Agriculture
(5) 你的方向,Talk to me
(1) Husker-Net, 首个NSF资助的private 5G network (unique的真实的无线网络运营,管理,优化的经验)
(2) 软件无线电平台,基于OpenAirInterface 和NI USRP SDRs, 包含室内以及室外场景
(3) 自动驾驶测试平台,full-stack, drive-by-wire autonomous robots
(4) 其他设备,Let me know what equipment you need to cultivate your success
(1) 本科或研究生, 计算机/电子工程等相关, 扎实的专业基础. (数学,理论和编程Python and C/C++)
(2) 对科研具有很强的兴趣, 并有较强的计算机编程技能. (这个很重要,基础可以打,但是没有兴趣的话,纯靠硬撑坚持会很难受,也不推荐。我会尽力去帮你构建正向激励Loop)
(3) 有较强的英文科技论文写作和交流能力. (申请不需要GRE,但是英语很重要,不仅仅是写papers,也包括表达,组织,交流等等。事半功倍往往就靠这个。 当然学校也有相应的courses for grads) (PS: 在前期事倍功半的情况比较普遍,对于老师来讲,把junior学生10页的draft paper删了重写的经历,想想就急火攻心)
(4) 有较强的工程动手经验和能力则更佳. (在研究过程中,我们需要搭建各种网络和计算的系统。不仅要把公式推导出来,也要把系统跑起来, e.g., hardware,firmware,software,interface)
(5) 知道你自己想要什么,毕业后想要做什么. (学术界,工业界都行,目标不同,路径也不尽相同,因材施教)
(1) 全额奖学金/医保, 免学费,工资$33K每年, 并逐年递增$1K+ (PS: 还有potential 学院和学校奖学金,组里有第一年学生已拿到additional $4K/yr)
(2) 直推实习机会,为每位博士生连接工业界导师 (PS: 我会尽我最大的努力把你recommend出去summer intern,去接触新的人,学习新的知识,探索新的idea)
(3) 导师hands-on指导和代码级debugging,组内博士生在第一年均发表first-author论文 (PS: 我周末从不reach out学生,除了deadline前两周,也不建议过分赶deadline,凡事预则立,不预则废)
(4) Lincoln城市是Nebraska州的首府,30万+人口,治安好,非常安全,舒适安静,生活成本低 (PS: 地处中部大平原,周围全是玉米大豆地,相对比较无聊,但是正中部开车去哪都还不算远)
欢迎有兴趣的同学邮件联系到1point3acres.com. 请在邮件内简要介绍个人背景及经历, 附上个人简历, 及相关研究和成果(if applicable). 邮件主题请标为: UNL-CS-PhD-Application-“Your name”. 我尽量回复每个邮件,但若未及时,还请见谅。
关于University of Nebraska – Lincoln:
University of Nebraska – Lincoln is a public land-grant research university in Lincoln, Nebraska. UNL is ranked as #159 national university and #86 in computer science by USNews in 2024. It has been recognized as a doctoral university (R1) by the Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education. CSRankings is #90 in 2024.
关于Dr. Qiang Liu:
Qiang Liu is an Assistant Professor at the School of Computing, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. He earned his Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte (UNCC) in 2020, and received the Outstanding Graduate Student Award from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at UNCC in 2019. He received his M.S. degree from the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC) in 2016. His papers won IEEE Communications Society's Transmission, Access, and Optical Systems (TAOS) Best Paper Award 2019, and IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) Best Paper Award 2019 and 2022. His research interests lie in the broad field of edge computing, wireless communication, and machine learning.
(1) 未来网络系统,B5G/6G, O-RAN, AI-Native Networks
(2) 机器学习,增强学习,Trustworthy AI for Network Systems
(3) 自动驾驶, 机器人, Autonomous Driving and Robots
(4) 数字孪生,Digital Twin for Transportation, Agriculture
(5) 你的方向,Talk to me
(1) Husker-Net, 首个NSF资助的private 5G network (unique的真实的无线网络运营,管理,优化的经验)
(2) 软件无线电平台,基于OpenAirInterface 和NI USRP SDRs, 包含室内以及室外场景
(3) 自动驾驶测试平台,full-stack, drive-by-wire autonomous robots
(4) 其他设备,Let me know what equipment you need to cultivate your success
(1) 本科或研究生, 计算机/电子工程等相关, 扎实的专业基础. (数学,理论和编程Python and C/C++)
(2) 对科研具有很强的兴趣, 并有较强的计算机编程技能. (这个很重要,基础可以打,但是没有兴趣的话,纯靠硬撑坚持会很难受,也不推荐。我会尽力去帮你构建正向激励Loop)
(3) 有较强的英文科技论文写作和交流能力. (申请不需要GRE,但是英语很重要,不仅仅是写papers,也包括表达,组织,交流等等。事半功倍往往就靠这个。 当然学校也有相应的courses for grads) (PS: 在前期事倍功半的情况比较普遍,对于老师来讲,把junior学生10页的draft paper删了重写的经历,想想就急火攻心)
(4) 有较强的工程动手经验和能力则更佳. (在研究过程中,我们需要搭建各种网络和计算的系统。不仅要把公式推导出来,也要把系统跑起来, e.g., hardware,firmware,software,interface)
(5) 知道你自己想要什么,毕业后想要做什么. (学术界,工业界都行,目标不同,路径也不尽相同,因材施教)
(1) 全额奖学金/医保, 免学费,工资$33K每年, 并逐年递增$1K+ (PS: 还有potential 学院和学校奖学金,组里有第一年学生已拿到additional $4K/yr)
(2) 直推实习机会,为每位博士生连接工业界导师 (PS: 我会尽我最大的努力把你recommend出去summer intern,去接触新的人,学习新的知识,探索新的idea)
(3) 导师hands-on指导和代码级debugging,组内博士生在第一年均发表first-author论文 (PS: 我周末从不reach out学生,除了deadline前两周,也不建议过分赶deadline,凡事预则立,不预则废)
(4) Lincoln城市是Nebraska州的首府,30万+人口,治安好,非常安全,舒适安静,生活成本低 (PS: 地处中部大平原,周围全是玉米大豆地,相对比较无聊,但是正中部开车去哪都还不算远)
欢迎有兴趣的同学邮件联系到1point3acres.com. 请在邮件内简要介绍个人背景及经历, 附上个人简历, 及相关研究和成果(if applicable). 邮件主题请标为: UNL-CS-PhD-Application-“Your name”. 我尽量回复每个邮件,但若未及时,还请见谅。
关于University of Nebraska – Lincoln:
University of Nebraska – Lincoln is a public land-grant research university in Lincoln, Nebraska. UNL is ranked as #159 national university and #86 in computer science by USNews in 2024. It has been recognized as a doctoral university (R1) by the Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education. CSRankings is #90 in 2024.
关于Dr. Qiang Liu:
Qiang Liu is an Assistant Professor at the School of Computing, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. He earned his Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte (UNCC) in 2020, and received the Outstanding Graduate Student Award from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at UNCC in 2019. He received his M.S. degree from the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC) in 2016. His papers won IEEE Communications Society's Transmission, Access, and Optical Systems (TAOS) Best Paper Award 2019, and IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) Best Paper Award 2019 and 2022. His research interests lie in the broad field of edge computing, wireless communication, and machine learning.