我被NEU开除了,因揭露Yeh-cheng Chen教授学术不端。现在我睡大街
大家好,我被东北大学开除了,只是因为我揭发了东北大学Yeh-cheng Chen讲师学术不端(他的课件完全抄袭课本)和教学水平差(在课堂上他只朗读课件,而不回答任何问题或提供技术指导),作为报复,他给我这门课所有考试0分,并先发制人举报我学术不端 + 扰乱治安/ 行为不检。
我是Guang Hu,Khoury计算机科学学院的CS硕士项目的硕士生。 2024年春天,是我在读这个硕士课程项目最后一个学期,事情发生在我的最后一门课程——CS6650可扩展分布式系统课堂上,我批评了这门课讲师Yeh-Cheng Chen:我指出他的课件完全抄袭了Designing Data-Intensive Applications by Martin Kleppmann,还有他布置的课程作业完全抄袭了CMU(而且他上课时只是朗读抄袭的课件,而不能解答任何学生的问题,也不能对我们的项目作业进行技术指导,教学质量低下)。因为我批评他,并写信举报他(尽管我说的是事实),但我还是被东北大学开除了。
在他的课堂上,我质问他:「我们为什么不直接阅读Designing Data-Intensive Applications这本书,而是我们每个同学浪费了7000美元/一门课 的学费,来听你把这本书念给我们呢?」因为我的评论让他感到羞辱,为了报复,他给我所有考试0分,并先发制人举报我有学术不端行为,因此我的所有考试全部0分。
为了给我定罪,NEU的「检察官兼法官」,Clayton Peck和Samantha Sanfilippo对我提出了一条条学术指控,分别是:
2、TA举报称,我的手机在期中考试期间接到了消息推送(铃声),这被视为违反Academic Integrity。但是他们拿不出任何监控录像作为证据,于是他们继续找罪名;
3、最后他们终于找到一个口袋罪——Disorderly Conduct (罪名成立),因为我向老师展示了举报信(我举报Yeh-cheng Chen抄袭)并且向全班同学和系主任和领导发送了这封信。这个行为构成了Disorderly Conduct罪。因为我批评老师的行为挑战了老师的权威Conduct that is disorderly or disruptive in nature,而质疑NEU教学质量被视为「negatively affects the campus community, the neighborhood, and/or community members」。(「起诉书」原文引用)
我之前所有的课,至少是一个B,Yeh-cheng Chen给我这门课打分F,是对我批评他的报复,但我向委员会申诉「Yeh-cheng Chen出于报复目的给我打分」,但失败了。现在我不仅因为最后一门课的F无法毕业,并且因为举报Chen讲师抄袭,被视为报复,构成Disorderly Conduct罪,而遭到东北大学开除。
虽然我已经找到全职工作,本以为我可以使用我的OPT开始工作,但因为CS6650(这最后一门课)不及格,加上被Yeh-cheng Chen虚假指控作弊后,我被学校处罚,我的学业被迫中断。由于无法进入我被聘用的职位,工资也不够生活(还因为学费欠债),现在无家可归,被迫流落街头。我睡在学校对面公园的躺椅上,我将在这里度过余生。
「东北大学如何对待国际学生」让我心寒。为了包庇「这一学期刚上任的Yeh-cheng Chen老师」,他们想要开除「为了遵守信誉和约定、花光了积蓄和贷款也要上完硕士项目所有课程的我」。为了建更多的分校,东北大学聘请了“最没有资格当老师的人”当老师。这些人只是普通公司的软件工程师,根本没有能力教书,也没有教学经验。这些不负责任的老师,只在周末花几个小时到学校打工,为东北大学挣钱。而对于我们这些,花光了家里积蓄和贷款的学生,来美国全日制学习的留学生,我们的命运完全掌握在他们的手中。是的,东北大学对我们学生的剥削就在于「把留学生当成ATM提款机,他们向我们收取最高的学费,却提供最差的服务」。他们知道“留学生的弱点就是学校支持的F1学生身份”,学校可以威胁我们“任何曝光在媒体上的行为,都可能让你们无法毕业”。为此,这门课的几乎所有学生都被噤声了(他们不敢说话,害怕被开除)。但我因为批评了东北大学教授的教学质量,而面临NEU的威胁——他们开除我之后,会立即通知USCIS和ICE,让他们将我驱逐出境。
附件:是被抄袭的CMU和Martin Kleppmann对此事的回复,NEU认为我为了报复Yeh-cheng Chen,损害了东北大学的名声,因此给我定罪。举报信全文粘贴:To Northeastern University Khoury College of Computer Sciences,
We, the students of the CS6650 Scalable Distributed Systems course, are writing to express our serious concerns regarding the teaching methods and academic conduct of Professor Yeh-Cheng Chen. Our collective experience this semester has compelled us to bring these issues to your attention.
Professor Chen, who is relatively new to teaching, appears to lack both practical and instructional experience in the field of scalable distributed systems. This lack of experience is evident in his inability to provide real-world examples or applications that could enhance our understanding of the theoretical concepts presented in the course.
A significant portion of the content delivered in his lectures, including text, figures, examples, and the overall structure, has been directly taken from the book Designing Data-Intensive Applications by Martin Kleppmann. While this book is listed as recommended reading, Professor Chen’s use of its material goes beyond what we consider acceptable; the slides are often verbatim extracts without proper citation or acknowledgment of the source material.
Furthermore, Professor Chen’s approach to teaching primarily involves reading these slides aloud during lectures, which does not constitute meaningful teaching or engagement with the students. This method has been ineffective at best, leaving many of our questions unanswered and our understanding of the subject matter superficial.
Given the high tuition fees of $6,900 for this course, we are concerned that the value of our education is being compromised. We are essentially paying to read a textbook we could study independently, without gaining the insights and expertise that a university lecturer should provide.
In the past month, Professor Chen assigned a final project for our course that appears to have been directly plagiarized from a course taught at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) in Fall 2012, specifically the "Project Assignment P3: Design Your Own Distributed System." This assignment at CMU was developed and taught under the guidance of experienced professors and was intended to be completed over a full semester. The depth and complexity of the project are such that continuous, expert instruction and a robust foundational curriculum are necessary to achieve the educational objectives set forth in the project description.
Unfortunately, in our course, Professor Chen has neither provided the necessary instructional support nor demonstrated the practical experience required to guide students through such a complex project. The lack of foundational teaching and practical application has left many of us struggling to comprehend and complete the project effectively. This has not only impacted our learning outcomes but also raised concerns about the value of our educational experience, as we are not receiving the level of education that we expect from Northeastern University.
Furthermore, the apparent direct copying of the CMU project without proper attribution or adaptation raises serious questions about academic integrity, which we believe need to be addressed by the university. Academic honesty is a cornerstone of our educational system, and it is disheartening to see it potentially compromised within our own learning environment.
This final project, where we were tasked with constructing a complete distributed system within a limited timeframe. The scope of this project, as outlined, demands a depth of knowledge and experience in system architecture that surpasses what has been taught in the course. Most critically, the project was assigned without sufficient instructional support or preparatory exercises. This lack of guidance has left many of us, especially those who are newer to programming languages like Java and Python, significantly disadvantaged and overwhelmed.
The expectation to design and implement such a complex system without foundational training is akin to expecting someone who has only basic experience in mechanical tasks to engineer a sophisticated aerospace vehicle. This analogy underscores the unreasonableness of the expectations set upon us.
Furthermore, there has been an absence of coding exercises that could have scaffolded our understanding and development of the skills necessary to undertake such a project. The disconnect between the course content and the project expectations suggests a gap in instructional delivery that we believe needs immediate attention.
Also, it has come to our attention that the content of Homework 2, assigned in this course, closely mirrors the materials found in a publicly available GitHub repository titled "Serving Pattern: Load Balancing Server" by Tyler Lu. It is our understanding that Professor Chen is not listed as a contributor to this repository, yet the assignment appears to have been directly derived from this work without proper attribution or permission.
The lack of originality in course assignments not only undermines the academic integrity expected at Northeastern University but also detracts from the learning experience of the students, as the assignments tend to be abstract and difficult to understand without proper context or guidance.
We urge the faculty and administration to consider our concerns seriously and to conduct a thorough review of Professor Chen’s teaching practices and academic conduct. It is crucial for the integrity of the Northeastern University academic program that standards are upheld, and that students receive the quality of education they are promised and pay for.
Thank you for your attention to this matter. We look forward to your prompt response and to seeing improvements in the teaching methods employed in our course.
我是Guang Hu,Khoury计算机科学学院的CS硕士项目的硕士生。 2024年春天,是我在读这个硕士课程项目最后一个学期,事情发生在我的最后一门课程——CS6650可扩展分布式系统课堂上,我批评了这门课讲师Yeh-Cheng Chen:我指出他的课件完全抄袭了Designing Data-Intensive Applications by Martin Kleppmann,还有他布置的课程作业完全抄袭了CMU(而且他上课时只是朗读抄袭的课件,而不能解答任何学生的问题,也不能对我们的项目作业进行技术指导,教学质量低下)。因为我批评他,并写信举报他(尽管我说的是事实),但我还是被东北大学开除了。
在他的课堂上,我质问他:「我们为什么不直接阅读Designing Data-Intensive Applications这本书,而是我们每个同学浪费了7000美元/一门课 的学费,来听你把这本书念给我们呢?」因为我的评论让他感到羞辱,为了报复,他给我所有考试0分,并先发制人举报我有学术不端行为,因此我的所有考试全部0分。
为了给我定罪,NEU的「检察官兼法官」,Clayton Peck和Samantha Sanfilippo对我提出了一条条学术指控,分别是:
2、TA举报称,我的手机在期中考试期间接到了消息推送(铃声),这被视为违反Academic Integrity。但是他们拿不出任何监控录像作为证据,于是他们继续找罪名;
3、最后他们终于找到一个口袋罪——Disorderly Conduct (罪名成立),因为我向老师展示了举报信(我举报Yeh-cheng Chen抄袭)并且向全班同学和系主任和领导发送了这封信。这个行为构成了Disorderly Conduct罪。因为我批评老师的行为挑战了老师的权威Conduct that is disorderly or disruptive in nature,而质疑NEU教学质量被视为「negatively affects the campus community, the neighborhood, and/or community members」。(「起诉书」原文引用)
我之前所有的课,至少是一个B,Yeh-cheng Chen给我这门课打分F,是对我批评他的报复,但我向委员会申诉「Yeh-cheng Chen出于报复目的给我打分」,但失败了。现在我不仅因为最后一门课的F无法毕业,并且因为举报Chen讲师抄袭,被视为报复,构成Disorderly Conduct罪,而遭到东北大学开除。
虽然我已经找到全职工作,本以为我可以使用我的OPT开始工作,但因为CS6650(这最后一门课)不及格,加上被Yeh-cheng Chen虚假指控作弊后,我被学校处罚,我的学业被迫中断。由于无法进入我被聘用的职位,工资也不够生活(还因为学费欠债),现在无家可归,被迫流落街头。我睡在学校对面公园的躺椅上,我将在这里度过余生。
「东北大学如何对待国际学生」让我心寒。为了包庇「这一学期刚上任的Yeh-cheng Chen老师」,他们想要开除「为了遵守信誉和约定、花光了积蓄和贷款也要上完硕士项目所有课程的我」。为了建更多的分校,东北大学聘请了“最没有资格当老师的人”当老师。这些人只是普通公司的软件工程师,根本没有能力教书,也没有教学经验。这些不负责任的老师,只在周末花几个小时到学校打工,为东北大学挣钱。而对于我们这些,花光了家里积蓄和贷款的学生,来美国全日制学习的留学生,我们的命运完全掌握在他们的手中。是的,东北大学对我们学生的剥削就在于「把留学生当成ATM提款机,他们向我们收取最高的学费,却提供最差的服务」。他们知道“留学生的弱点就是学校支持的F1学生身份”,学校可以威胁我们“任何曝光在媒体上的行为,都可能让你们无法毕业”。为此,这门课的几乎所有学生都被噤声了(他们不敢说话,害怕被开除)。但我因为批评了东北大学教授的教学质量,而面临NEU的威胁——他们开除我之后,会立即通知USCIS和ICE,让他们将我驱逐出境。
附件:是被抄袭的CMU和Martin Kleppmann对此事的回复,NEU认为我为了报复Yeh-cheng Chen,损害了东北大学的名声,因此给我定罪。
We, the students of the CS6650 Scalable Distributed Systems course, are writing to express our serious concerns regarding the teaching methods and academic conduct of Professor Yeh-Cheng Chen. Our collective experience this semester has compelled us to bring these issues to your attention.
Professor Chen, who is relatively new to teaching, appears to lack both practical and instructional experience in the field of scalable distributed systems. This lack of experience is evident in his inability to provide real-world examples or applications that could enhance our understanding of the theoretical concepts presented in the course.
A significant portion of the content delivered in his lectures, including text, figures, examples, and the overall structure, has been directly taken from the book Designing Data-Intensive Applications by Martin Kleppmann. While this book is listed as recommended reading, Professor Chen’s use of its material goes beyond what we consider acceptable; the slides are often verbatim extracts without proper citation or acknowledgment of the source material.
Furthermore, Professor Chen’s approach to teaching primarily involves reading these slides aloud during lectures, which does not constitute meaningful teaching or engagement with the students. This method has been ineffective at best, leaving many of our questions unanswered and our understanding of the subject matter superficial.
Given the high tuition fees of $6,900 for this course, we are concerned that the value of our education is being compromised. We are essentially paying to read a textbook we could study independently, without gaining the insights and expertise that a university lecturer should provide.
In the past month, Professor Chen assigned a final project for our course that appears to have been directly plagiarized from a course taught at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) in Fall 2012, specifically the "Project Assignment P3: Design Your Own Distributed System." This assignment at CMU was developed and taught under the guidance of experienced professors and was intended to be completed over a full semester. The depth and complexity of the project are such that continuous, expert instruction and a robust foundational curriculum are necessary to achieve the educational objectives set forth in the project description.
Unfortunately, in our course, Professor Chen has neither provided the necessary instructional support nor demonstrated the practical experience required to guide students through such a complex project. The lack of foundational teaching and practical application has left many of us struggling to comprehend and complete the project effectively. This has not only impacted our learning outcomes but also raised concerns about the value of our educational experience, as we are not receiving the level of education that we expect from Northeastern University.
Furthermore, the apparent direct copying of the CMU project without proper attribution or adaptation raises serious questions about academic integrity, which we believe need to be addressed by the university. Academic honesty is a cornerstone of our educational system, and it is disheartening to see it potentially compromised within our own learning environment.
This final project, where we were tasked with constructing a complete distributed system within a limited timeframe. The scope of this project, as outlined, demands a depth of knowledge and experience in system architecture that surpasses what has been taught in the course. Most critically, the project was assigned without sufficient instructional support or preparatory exercises. This lack of guidance has left many of us, especially those who are newer to programming languages like Java and Python, significantly disadvantaged and overwhelmed.
The expectation to design and implement such a complex system without foundational training is akin to expecting someone who has only basic experience in mechanical tasks to engineer a sophisticated aerospace vehicle. This analogy underscores the unreasonableness of the expectations set upon us.
Furthermore, there has been an absence of coding exercises that could have scaffolded our understanding and development of the skills necessary to undertake such a project. The disconnect between the course content and the project expectations suggests a gap in instructional delivery that we believe needs immediate attention.
Also, it has come to our attention that the content of Homework 2, assigned in this course, closely mirrors the materials found in a publicly available GitHub repository titled "Serving Pattern: Load Balancing Server" by Tyler Lu. It is our understanding that Professor Chen is not listed as a contributor to this repository, yet the assignment appears to have been directly derived from this work without proper attribution or permission.
The lack of originality in course assignments not only undermines the academic integrity expected at Northeastern University but also detracts from the learning experience of the students, as the assignments tend to be abstract and difficult to understand without proper context or guidance.
We urge the faculty and administration to consider our concerns seriously and to conduct a thorough review of Professor Chen’s teaching practices and academic conduct. It is crucial for the integrity of the Northeastern University academic program that standards are upheld, and that students receive the quality of education they are promised and pay for.
Thank you for your attention to this matter. We look forward to your prompt response and to seeing improvements in the teaching methods employed in our course.