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休斯敦大学海洋与海岸带大地测量实验室(UH Marine and Coastal Geodesy)诚招2025年春季或秋季入学的博士生

1. Seafloor geodesy with GNSS-Acoustic ranging (GNSS-A) and ocean bottom pressure (OBP) sensors. A large portion of Earth’s surface is covered by the ocean, where the crustal motion and deformation can only be measured with seafloor geodesy. This project uses remotely controlled robotic vehicles (e.g., Wave Gliders) to conduct GNSS-A surveys and retrieve OBP measurements. The data will be used to characterize long- and short-term seafloor motion. The successful candidate is expected to participate in instrument deployment and develop data analysis skills.

2. Characterizing subduction zone crustal deformation with space geodetic observations. Subduction zones host most great earthquakes and almost all major tsunamis. Measurements of Earth’s surface displacement rates can provide critical constraints about the state of strain accumulation on the fault interface. This project uses GNSS and InSAR techniques to measure Earth’s surface displacements and link the observations with geophysical processes. The successful candidate is expected to learn GNSS and InSAR data processing and develop modeling skills to characterize crustal deformation in subduction zones.

3. Coastal and polar sea level observations with GNSS Interferometric Reflectometry (GNSS-IR) and satellite altimetry. GNSS-IR and satellite altimetry are complementary techniques to measure sea levels. This project uses GNSS-IR derived sea levels as independent observations to examine the accuracies of satellite altimetry and traditional tide gauges, and improve ocean tidal models for areas where traditional observations are lacking. The successful candidate is expected to develop skills in GNSS-IR and satellite altimetry, and apply these techniques to quantify changes in coastal and polar regions.

