[转发] University of Iowa-Data Mining/Machine Learning PhD

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Advertisement: Fully funded PhD positions available in the areas of Data/Text Mining, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Biomedical and Health Informatics

Skills that are most important for a successful graduate student in my research group:

(1) Completed Bachelors or master’s degree in Computer Science (CS), Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE), Statistics, Mathematics, or related technical discipline.

(2) Strong background in Statistics and Mathematics. Good grades in relevant courses such as: (i) Probability and Statistics, (ii) Linear Algebra, (iii) Advanced Calculus, (iv) Convex Optimization, (v) Numerical Methods.

(3) Strong background in topics such as data structure, design and analysis of algorithms. Good grades in relevant courses such as: (i) Data Structure, (ii) Algorithms and Complexity, (iii) Software Design. Mastery of at least one systems language (Java, C++, Python)

(4) Previous research experience and familiarity with deep learning frameworks such as TensorFlow or PyTorch is valuable but not required.

If you’re interested in these positions, please feel free to contact me directly (email: 1point3acres.com) with your academic transcripts and CV.