【导师本人】密歇根州立大学CSE招收25Spring/Fall PhD 物联网普适计算方向

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本人Ruofeng Liu于2024年秋季加入密歇根州立大学(MSU)计算机科学与工程系(CSE)担任助理教授。 招收物联网移动计算方向全奖博士,入学时间为2025春季或者秋季。 欢迎对无线感知, 多模态AI, 通信网络、嵌入式系统、机器人等研究领域感兴趣的同学联系。麻烦各位朋友推荐优秀的学生!

我的研究关注为未来的人机交互(如VR/AR), 物联网(IoT), 自动驾驶等应用设计智能,高效、低成本、高可靠的感知算法和通讯系统。 我在学术界和工业界都有丰富的经验。研究成果发表在顶级移动计算和人工智能会议和期刊上,包括MobiCom, NSDI, IJCAI, Sensys, SIGMETRICS, Ubicomp, TON等。 在加入MSU之前,我分别在博世研究院、三星北美研究院、诺基亚bell实验室工作,研究成果被应用于车载电子系统、物流、无线网络、可穿戴设备等多个领域。因此,我能为学生提供全面的科研指导和知名企业的实习机会。

密歇根州立大学坐落于风景优美的东兰辛市,移动计算方向高居全美第二(csranking),是许多物联网普适计算学者的摇篮, 美国总体排名60, 有公立常春藤学校的美称。这里生活便利,学校周围有亚超、中餐、trader joe's、costco等,距离美国中部最大城市芝加哥和加拿大的多伦多均为3小时左右的车程。

申请方式: 请将个人简历、本科研究生成绩单发送到邮箱 (1point3acres.com)。更多我的信息请访问 liux4189.github.io

About me
Dr. Ruofeng Liu joined the Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) at Michigan State University (MSU) as an assistant professor in Fall 2024. Before joining MSU, he was a research scientist at Robert Bosch. He received the Ph.D. degree from University of Minnesota. Dr. Liu’s research broadly lies in designing intelligent sensing and wireless communication systems, with a wide range of applications in Internet of things, human computer interaction, and mobile networks. He has rich experience in both academia and industry. He published 15 papers in top conferences including NSDI, MobiCom, IJCAI, Sensys, SIGMETRICS, and UbiComp and journals such as TON, TOSN, and COMST. He was granted 4 US patents. His research innovations were adopted by several companies including Alibaba, Nokia Bell Lab, Samsung Research, and Robert Bosch to solve real-world problems in logistics, automotive, and telecommunication.

Research opportunities
Multiple fully-funded Research Assistant (RA) are available for Spring/Fall 2025. The positions will focus on the following topics:
  • Wireless sensing and localization (mmWave radar, UWB, WiFi, and acoustic)
  • Multimodal sensor systems for embodied AI (Vision, IMU, Wireless)
  • Foundation model/large language model (LLM) for sensors
  • Wearable computing and application (e.g., Mixed Reality)
  • Mobile network (5G/6G communication, measurement)
  • IoT security and privacy

Who should apply
I am looking for self-motivated young researchers to conduct world-class research with me. Preference will be given to people with two types of background (1) Interested in building SW/HW systems and experienced in signal processing, wireless communication, and embedded systems; (2) Experienced with machine learning and interested in applying cutting-edge ML techniques to address practical problems in real-world systems.

About MSU
Founded in 1855, Michigan State University (MSU) is a leading public research university located in East Lansing, Michigan. MSU is renowned for its commitment to academic excellence, world-class research, and innovative teaching. MSU is ranked among the top 100 global universities by the Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) and holds #60 positions in U.S. News & World Report’s usnews.com. Home to over 50,000 students from all 50 states and more than 130 countries, MSU prides itself on its inclusive and diverse community.

How to apply
If you are interested in working with me, please send your CV and unofficial transcript to my email (1point3acres.com). For more information about my research, please visit liux4189.github.io.