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Dr. Bo Chen is looking for PhD students who are interested in cyber security and computer security. Please send him ([email protected]) your CV/resume if you are interested. Students will receive a full RA support (tuition + living stipend 2K/month + 100% health insurance). Dr. Chen is eager to explore students’ potential and help them to become world-class researchers in the growing cyber security and privacy domain. English requirements: TOEFL 79+,GRE can be waived. The graduate students who worked with him previously joined Universities of Wisconsin, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Singapore Management University, Google, Cisco, Vmware, etc.
Bio: Dr. Bo Chen is currently a Tenured Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science, Michigan Technological University (MTU). He is a Fellow of EAI (European Alliance for Innovation), a Senior Member of ACM (Association for Computing Machinery), and a Senior Member of IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers). Dr. Chen has been serving as MTU Point of Contact (PoC) of National Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Research (CAE-R), designated by the US National Security Agency (NSA). He leads the MTU ICC Center for Cybersecurity, which consists of 14 faculty members from College of Computing, College of Engineering, and College of Business. He also leads the MTU Security and Privacy (SnP) lab. The SnP lab currently consists of 4 PhD students and 4 undergraduate students. He received his B.E.  from University of Science and Technology Beijing, China (2005), and his M.Eng.  from University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China (2008), both in Computer Science. He received his PhD in Computer Science from New Jersey Institute of Technology in 2014. Dr. Chen did his postdoc in Stony Brook University from 2014 to 2015 and Pennsylvania State University from 2015 to 2016, respectively.  He has broad interests in security and privacy problems in Embedded Systems, Internet of Things (IoT), Connected and Autonomous Vehicles, Cyber Physical Systems (CPS), Cloud Computing, etc. Dr. Chen has published extensively (approximately 70 publications) in prestigious academic conferences, journals, books, etc. These include top-tier security and privacy publication venues like ACM CCS (one of top 4 cyber security conferences), NDSS (one of top 4 cyber security conferences), AAAI, ACSAC, DSN, ESORICS, ASIACCS, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security, IEEE Transactions on Communications, Journal of Computer Security, etc. Dr. Chen has received 3 Best Paper Awards from ACM CODASPY 2013, ACSAC 2017 and EAI AC3 2021, respectively. The total fund he has received from US National Science Foundation (NSF) till now is $3,000,000+ (as both PIs and co-PIs). He also received an Achievement Award from MTU ICC in 2019, a Research Excellence Fund Award from MTU in 2020, and the prestigious MTU Rath Research Award in 2024 (together with his most recent PhD graduate). He served as the Program Vice-Chair of 2024 IEEE International Conference on Cyber, Physical and Social Computing (CPSCom 2024), the General Chair of International Conference on Security and Privacy in Cyber-Physical Systems and Smart Vehicles (SmartSP 2023), as well as the General Chair of International Conference on Applied Cryptography in Computer and Communications (EAI AC3 2021). He also served as the editor/guest editor for 6 journals (IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Journal of Hardware and Systems Security, Discover Internet of Things, Cybersecurity, etc.), the reviewer for 40+ journals (IEEE TDSC, IEEE TIFS, etc), and the program committee member of 70+ conferences (IEEE S&P '25, ACM CCS '23, ACSAC '24, IEEE DSN '24, ACM AsiaCCS '24, ACM CODASPY '24, etc).
Michigan Technological University (MTU) is a public research university located in the beautiful college town Houghton, Michigan, United States. MTU was ranked No. 20 on the list of 50 Safest College Towns in America. Its main campus sits on 925 acres (approximately 3 km^2) on a bluff overlooking Portage Lake. The university offers students free access to Mont Ripley Ski Area during winter (You can enjoy free ski the entire winter). MTU was founded in 1885 as the first post-secondary institution in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Science, technology, forestry and business have been added to the numerous engineering disciplines, and MTU now offers more than 130 degree programs through its five colleges and schools. MTU was rated among the "Best in the Midwest" by The Princeton Review. Its engineering school and computer engineering were both ranked 80+.