请问瑞典 chalmers university of technology CTH 的cs硕士项目是可以自由选择课程吗

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请问有没有瑞典 chalmers university of technology CTH的前辈

这个是我看到的High-performance computer systems, MSc项目关于elective courses的介绍:

You are free to choose a large number of courses for your programme. This allows you to tailor the programme to her/his own preferences. These courses offer breadth in the knowledge of topics that are still related to the programme. As such you may choose to take courses in areas such as computational sciences or machine learning.
You may also opt to select courses closer to the core such as Operating systems or Networking. In addition, you may also take as elective courses, profile courses that you have not chosen before for the requirements of their programme. The following courses are recommended as elective courses for this programme.


但是下面的Programme plan中又列出了 Year 1 & 2 的课程,是不是还是要在这两个列表中的elective中选择,而不能选其他progamme的课程?