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新加坡-麻省理工学院研究团队目前正在招募至少三名研究助理。这些研究助理将参与“Mens, Manus and Machina —人工智能如何赋能新加坡人民、机构和城市(M3S)”的研究项目,项目致力于探索人机协作的潜力,并解决与人工智能和社会相关的问题(网站。成功的候选人将参与人工智能技术的研究前沿,推进未来智慧城市中的人工智能发展。

  • Jinhua Zhao,麻省理工学院城市与交通教授; MIT Mobility Initiative 创始人和主席。
  • Sandy Pentland,麻省理工学院媒体艺术与科学教授; MIT Connection Science 研究所主任。
  • Daniela Rus,麻省理工学院电子与计算机科学Andrew (1956) 和Erna Viterbi教授;计算机科学和人工智能实验室(CSAIL)主任。
  • Sanjay Sarma,麻省理工学院机械工程和斯隆管理学院教授;MIT  Open Learning 副主席。
  • Thomas Malone,麻省理工学院管理学院Patrick J. McGovern (1959)教授;MIT Center for Collective Intelligence 主任。
  • Archan Misra,新加坡管理大学副教务长(研究)与计算机科学 Lee Kong Chian 教授。
  • Simon Chesterman,新加坡国立大学David Marshall教授和副教务长(教育创新)。
  • Shenhao Wang,佛罗里达大学人工智能助理教授和 Urban AI Laboratory 主任。

  • 与项目团队和其他研究人员合作设计、实施和评估研究项目。
  • 在顶级会议和期刊上发表研究成果。
  • 协助撰写项目申请,参与项目管理,以及帮助其他与研究相关的行政职责。
  • 根据需要履行其他职责。


  • 目前在新加坡(如新加坡国立大学、南洋理工大学、新加坡管理大学、新加坡科技设计大学等)就读的硕士或本科生。
  • 在计算机科学、人工智能、交通工程、运筹学、计算社会科学、网络科学、土木工程、经济学、统计学、城市规划、工业工程或相关领域具有专业背景。
  • 对深度学习、强化学习、统计建模、网络分析和/或优化有研究兴趣。
  • 对行为/经济模型、城市流动性及其与人工智能的整合有研究兴趣。
  • 有志于在顶级会议和期刊上发表论文。
  • 具备优秀的沟通和协作能力。

如需更多信息,请联系 Dr. Yuebing Liang (

The SMART research team (Singapore-MIT alliance for research & technology) is currently recruiting at least three research assistants. The research assistants will work on the "Mens, Manus and Machina—How AI Empowers People, Institutions and Cities in Singapore (M3S)" project, which is dedicated to exploring the potential of human-machine collaboration and addressing issues related to artificial intelligence and social adaptation, with the aim of promoting the betterment of society through artificial intelligence (website: Successful candidates will be involved in groundbreaking projects aimed at advancing state-of-the-art AI for the development of future smart cities.

Our team is composed of prestigious scholars, including:
  • Jinhua Zhao. Professor of Cities and Transportation at MIT; Founder and Faculty Director of MIT Mobility Initiative.
  • Sandy Pentland. Professor of Media Arts and Sciences at MIT; Director of MIT Connection Science.
  • Daniela Rus. Andrew (1956) and Erna Viterbi Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and Director of the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) at MIT.
  • Sanjay Sarma. Professor of Mechanical Engineering and the Sloan School of Management at MIT; Vice President for Open Learning at MIT.
  • Thomas Malone. Patrick J. McGovern (1959) Professor of Management at MIT; Director of MIT Center for Collective Intelligence.
  • Archan Misra. Vice Provost (Research) and Lee Kong Chian Professor of Computer Science at Singapore Management University.
  • Simon Chesterman. David Marshall Professor and Vice Provost (Educational Innovation) at the National University of Singapore.
  • Shenhao Wang. Assistant Professor in Artificial Intelligence and the Director of the Urban AI Laboratory at the University of Florida.

Job Description 
  • Collaborate with the project team and other researchers to design, implement, and evaluate research projects.
  • Publish research results in top-tier conferences and journals, and disseminate research findings through presentations and other means.
  • Assist in project management and other administrative duties related to research activities.
  • Perform other duties as needed. 
  • Work commitment is about 10-20 hours per week, and the starting date is late summer or early fall in 2024. 

  • Master or Bachelor students currently located in Singapore (e.g., NUS, NTU, SMU, SUTD, etc.)
  • Major in Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, Transportation Engineering, Operation Research, Computational Social Science, Network Science, Civil Engineering, Economics, Statistics, Urban Planning, Industrial Engineering, or a related field by the start of the appointment.
  • Research interests in deep learning, reinforcement learning, statistical modeling, network analysis, and/or optimization.
  • Research interests in behavioral/economic models, urban mobility, and their integration with AI.
  • Interests in publishing in top-tier conferences and journals.
  • Excellent communication and collaboration skills.

Please contact Dr. Yuebing Liang ([email protected]) for further information. Please fill out this Google Form:
