【教授本人】阿尔伯塔大学ECE招收AI, ML, Control, Energy Systems 全奖硕士博士

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最近工作变动,我在今年六月正式入职加拿大阿尔伯塔大学ECE系,组内有2-3个fully funded graduate student positions。历史信息请参见https

Yize Chen入职阿尔伯塔大学ECE系担任助理教授,目前课题组硕士生博士生都有全额奖学金名额(2025spring and fall)。阿尔伯塔大学在机器学习,自动控制,电力系统领域都有极强的国际影响力,名列前茅,且坐拥多位学术大师和享誉世界的奠基性工作。阿尔伯塔大学在应对人类最重大可持续发展挑战方面排名全球第六、北美第一。阿尔伯塔大学的人工智能和机器学习研究在加拿大排名第二、北美排名第九。阿尔伯塔省也是北美能源强省,同时处在新能源和人工智能革命前沿。学校所在的埃德蒙顿市是阿尔伯塔省省会,是加拿大第五大城市,同时也是一个宜居且快速发展的城市,拥有多元的文化、安全的城市环境、众多户外活动选择和便捷的交通系统。在阿尔伯塔省全年都可以在著名的加拿大落基山脉的两个世界级国家公园——班夫和贾斯珀国家公园中尽情享受多种活动,如登山滑雪,冰川探险,观鸟赏熊等。

我们研究小组的主要方向是数据驱动的预测和决策算法设计,一大应用场景是清洁能源系统,如智能电网,电动汽车等等。如果你对机器学习,控制优化,电力系统感兴趣,相信我们一定会找到许多共同话题探讨。之前我在港科广任职,也在业界如MSR, ISO New England, Los Alamos National Lab 有过全职工作和实习经验。我的博士学位是在西雅图的华盛顿大学获得的,2016年本科毕业于浙江大学,还在伯克利国家实验室从事了一年的博士后工作,在中港美加的学术界保持比较多学术界的联系和合作,在多学科如ICLR, Neurips, ICCV, IEEE的自动控制和电力主流期刊上都有过发表,文章也多次获得best paper和honorable mentions。我喜欢从实际问题出发,发现有趣的和基本的挑战,和合作者们一起找到最合适的算法和解决方案,并期待自己的研究可以有一些实际的影响。

欢迎对研究有热情,对科学有期待,对学问很严谨,有自动化,计算机,运筹优化,人工智能,电气工程背景的同学们来邮件1point3acres.com联系我(见https信息)。我也接受访问学生和博士后的申请,请邮件注明你的研究兴趣和available time。

Our research is highly interdisciplinary. We are interested in designing fundamental theories, novel algorithms and computational tools to tackle the emerging engineering challenges arising from multiple fields, such as making decisions in complex, dynamical and unknown environments, integrating stochastic renewables into energy systems, and modeling and analyzing the interactions between data, physical devices and human users. Our expertise spans automatic control, machine learning, power system dynamics, mathematical optimization in both theories and applications.
Some projects include,
  1. Mapping embodied carbon emission to power network operations and distributions;
  2. Learning to solve combinatorial or large scale optimization to fulfill real-time autonomous decision-making;
  3. Understanding and designing physics-guided machine learning and Generative AI schemes to align with cyber-physical systems;
  4. Dynamics modeling, analysis and control of low-inertia power systems.

Open Positions
We have 2-3 openings for graduate students (for both MSc and PhD levels) in our group for Spring 2025 and Fall 2025. If you are interested in the general areas of control and optimization, power and energy systems, and machine learning, please drop me an email with your research interests and related experiences. Students from all identities and backgrounds are encouraged to apply.

Graduate students in my lab will be fully funded by RAs and TAs. There are also a series of opportunities available through fellowships, industrial collaborations, computing resources at U of A.
