UCONN CS PhD in cloud, ML system and system security for fall 2024

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康涅狄格大学创建于1881年, “公立常春藤”大学之一.  USNEWS综合排名58, USNEWS和CSRankings CS专业排名66。康涅狄格州是美国最富有的州之一,学校所处的曼斯菲尔德镇环境优美、治安非常好。research direction 研究方向包括但不限于cloud system,  ML system and system security.  GRE is waived.

The successful candidate should have a high level of motivation and enthusiasm for research.
Students with working experience or experience in C, C++, or Python programming are preferred.
For system security, have the opportunity of working on some new hardware with security features and collaborate with industry.  
If you have the interests, please contact:  [email protected]