俄亥俄州立大学(OSU)多名计算机工程全奖博士生 (2025春/秋)
注意:招生的是俄亥俄州立大学,The Ohio State University (OSU),不是一亩三分地可能自动显示的Ohio University (OU)。
OSU在最近的USNEWS 2025排名中计算机工程Computer Engineering排名全美国25,EE排名全美20,CS全美27。所在地哥伦布是俄亥俄州府,两百多万人口,在美国城市排名32位。在OSU,ECE和CS在同一栋楼。计算机工程学生可以自由选CS的课,做的也基本都是CS方面的研究。
老师说GRA的位置都还在,有兴趣的同学尽早直接和他联系。王老师水平高(IEEE Fellow),人很好,还手把手教你如何做研究和写论文。
The power-aware computer systems (PACS) lab at The Ohio State University (OSU) just received another significant NSF grant in May 2024, so we have multiple NEW fully-funded GRA positions available immediately for self-motivated students to pursue Ph.D. degrees in Computer Engineering.
Our lab recently received multiple NSF grants to do cutting-edge research on making computer systems more energy-efficient to support sustainable AI, which includes several aspects, such as GPU data center, mobile computing, and real-time embedded systems. For GPU data center, we manage the resources of a large number of GPUs to process machine learning or deep learning workloads in a highly energy-efficient way. For mobile computing, we apply machine learning algorithms to improve the performance and energy efficiency of mobile devices, like smartphones or IoT devices. For real-time embedded systems, it is about how to schedule real-time applications, such as autonomous driving tasks, on embedded GPUs to meet real-time deadlines.
"The constraints on AI compute are very predictable...... A year ago, the shortage was chips......Then, the next shortage will be electricity. They won't be able to find enough electricity to run all the chips. I think next year, you'll see they just can't find enough electricity to run all the chips." said Elon Musk in March 2024.
Interested students please directly contact the professor as early as possible for full consideration of the GRA positions.
OSU在最近的USNEWS 2025排名中计算机工程Computer Engineering排名全美国25,EE排名全美20,CS全美27。所在地哥伦布是俄亥俄州府,两百多万人口,在美国城市排名32位。在OSU,ECE和CS在同一栋楼。计算机工程学生可以自由选CS的课,做的也基本都是CS方面的研究。
老师说GRA的位置都还在,有兴趣的同学尽早直接和他联系。王老师水平高(IEEE Fellow),人很好,还手把手教你如何做研究和写论文。
The power-aware computer systems (PACS) lab at The Ohio State University (OSU) just received another significant NSF grant in May 2024, so we have multiple NEW fully-funded GRA positions available immediately for self-motivated students to pursue Ph.D. degrees in Computer Engineering.
Our lab recently received multiple NSF grants to do cutting-edge research on making computer systems more energy-efficient to support sustainable AI, which includes several aspects, such as GPU data center, mobile computing, and real-time embedded systems. For GPU data center, we manage the resources of a large number of GPUs to process machine learning or deep learning workloads in a highly energy-efficient way. For mobile computing, we apply machine learning algorithms to improve the performance and energy efficiency of mobile devices, like smartphones or IoT devices. For real-time embedded systems, it is about how to schedule real-time applications, such as autonomous driving tasks, on embedded GPUs to meet real-time deadlines.
"The constraints on AI compute are very predictable...... A year ago, the shortage was chips......Then, the next shortage will be electricity. They won't be able to find enough electricity to run all the chips. I think next year, you'll see they just can't find enough electricity to run all the chips." said Elon Musk in March 2024.
Interested students please directly contact the professor as early as possible for full consideration of the GRA positions.