[长期有效] [教授本人贴] 西北大学(NU)-Reliable AI/Graph ML/LLM-招收博士/实习生
西北大学是一所美国著名顶尖私校,长期稳居各种榜单的美国top 10,世界top 30。地处风景优美的芝加哥北郊Evanston。如果你喜欢大城市的丰富多彩又希望有一个风景优美安全宜居的校园,Northwestern绝对是你心目中的理想之一。近几年西北大学特别是我所在的学院(Statistics & Data Science)在机器学习,数据科学等AI热门方向发展迅速。非常欢迎有兴趣的同学申请我们系的PhD以及Master项目!
Kaize Ding is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Statistics and Data Science at Northwestern University. Before joining Northwestern, he obtained his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science at Arizona State University in 2023 under the supervision of Prof. Huan Liu. His research interests are generally in data mining, machine learning, and natural language processing, with a particular focus on graph machine learning, data-efficient learning, and reliable AI. His work has been published in top-tier conferences and journals (e.g., AAAI, EMNLP, IJCAI, KDD, NeurIPS, TheWebConf, and TNNLS), and has been recognized with several prestigious awards and honors, including the AAAI New Faculty Highlights, SDM Best Posters Award, Best Paper Award at the Trustworthy Learning on Graphs workshop, etc. Kaize has also established close collaborations with Google Brain, Microsoft Research, and Amazon Alexa AI.
Reliable Machine Learning
Resource-Efficient Machine Learning
Large Language Models/Foundation Models
Machine Learning on Graphs
Environmental AI
Subject: Prospective {position, e.g., Ph.D.} for {time, e.g., Fall 2024}
Brief background introduction
Research experiences
Why are you interested in working with me
并附上你的简历, 成绩单以及英语成绩发送到[email protected]
西北大学是一所美国著名顶尖私校,长期稳居各种榜单的美国top 10,世界top 30。地处风景优美的芝加哥北郊Evanston。如果你喜欢大城市的丰富多彩又希望有一个风景优美安全宜居的校园,Northwestern绝对是你心目中的理想之一。近几年西北大学特别是我所在的学院(Statistics & Data Science)在机器学习,数据科学等AI热门方向发展迅速。非常欢迎有兴趣的同学申请我们系的PhD以及Master项目!
Kaize Ding is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Statistics and Data Science at Northwestern University. Before joining Northwestern, he obtained his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science at Arizona State University in 2023 under the supervision of Prof. Huan Liu. His research interests are generally in data mining, machine learning, and natural language processing, with a particular focus on graph machine learning, data-efficient learning, and reliable AI. His work has been published in top-tier conferences and journals (e.g., AAAI, EMNLP, IJCAI, KDD, NeurIPS, TheWebConf, and TNNLS), and has been recognized with several prestigious awards and honors, including the AAAI New Faculty Highlights, SDM Best Posters Award, Best Paper Award at the Trustworthy Learning on Graphs workshop, etc. Kaize has also established close collaborations with Google Brain, Microsoft Research, and Amazon Alexa AI.
Reliable Machine Learning
Resource-Efficient Machine Learning
Large Language Models/Foundation Models
Machine Learning on Graphs
Environmental AI
Subject: Prospective {position, e.g., Ph.D.} for {time, e.g., Fall 2024}
Brief background introduction
Research experiences
Why are you interested in working with me
并附上你的简历, 成绩单以及英语成绩发送到[email protected]