META Fragomen H1B Transfer timeline 买它 H1B Transfer时间线+ 入职时间 分享+求米
用filing 入职了,Fragomen很慢慢慢,之前还因为mistake把我的初次H1B 申请让USCIS deny了,所以全程焦虑中。 分享出来帮助地里朋友们做个参考。
- 07 MAY 2024System generated: Initiation received and case record opened
- 07 MAY 2024Contacted client with case instructions and request for documents
- 07 MAY 2024Questionnaire sent to FN
- 09 MAY 2024Completed questionnaire received from foreign national
- 10 MAY 2024Pre-screen review performed
- 10 MAY 2024LCA posting and instructions sent to employer for review and posting
- 13 MAY 2024Confirmation of LCA posting received from employer
- 13 MAY 2024LCA submitted on DOL website
- 16 MAY 2024QC check completed by the case worker as per the checklist
- 20 MAY 2024Certified LCA received from DOL
- 20 MAY 2024Certified LCA sent to employer for signature
- 22 MAY 2024Draft forms/documents sent for review
- 22 MAY 2024Draft forms with changes/approval received
- 23 MAY 2024All documentation required to process case received
- 23 MAY 2024Signed certified LCA received from employer
- 23 MAY 2024Forms/documents prepared for internal Fragomen review
- 28 MAY 2024Forms/documents sent to employer for review and signature
- 28 MAY 2024Signed forms/documents received from employer
- 29 MAY 2024All certified and signed documents received and requirements for filing have been met
- 31 MAY 2024Case filed with USCIS. Current USCIS processing times can be found at [url=
- 03Jun]
- 03Jun