【综合】TPO14 综合作文求改 1战综合Fair跪了

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In the lecture, the lecturer make a point of view about salvage logging, claims that it do harm in long term development of forest, which is contradict to the proposal put up by the writer in the passage.
To begin with, the lecturer mention that cleanning forest is not a necessary process during the recovering period of forest, which oppose to the idea of this passage. According to the lecturer, decomposing is a natural process, which enrich the soil and make it more suitable for trees to grow up by providing enough nutrients. But if we follow the suggestion of salvage logging, it will cause the nutrients loss which is not good for long term effect.
In addtion, the lecturer goes on discussing the insects issues, which also conflicts with the point of this passage that removing dead trees is benificial by decreasing the number of harmful insects. From the lecturer's point of view, insects are not always bad in the development of trees, trees also can get benifit from them.What's more, the dead trees are also the habitat of birds and other animals, which contributes to the growth of trees. So if we remove the dead trees, it will lead to a much more harmful result.
Furthermore, the lecutrer doubts the expectation about economic interest from removing dead trees in this passage. She persuade us by pointing out that this kind of work does not last long, and the large of the work can be done by machine without spending much on humans. And also the work need some proffesional worker. Maybe outsiders with more training are qualified for this job. So it has limited effect on local economy.
To sum up, the lecturer disagree with the three main points of this reading passage.