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I did look over the CV and your qualifications are generally suited to my work and quite adequate for graduate study. If you are more than merely interested in and are passionate about metalworking, that is probably a better indicator in my opinion as a metric for my assistants.
I am spending a year in Korea and will be back at Marquette in Fall 2015 so all of my activities in MU are on hold. I would foresee you as filling a role as a teaching assistant as I will need someone for my course coverage. That would come through the department and subject to its approval but being a TA is a good preparatory position and immensely beneficial. I can not make any guarantees but would encourage you to submit your application and request support.

赶脚他就是找我过去干活儿,还得表现的非常愿意的样子╮(╯▽╰)╭。 可这个是我保底的呀,这说的我都没啥底了。。。
