[教授本人贴]加拿大Dalhousie University全奖2名博士硕士-流体力学/海洋/2025

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招生信息:加拿大Dalhousie University Dr. Yang拟招收2名全奖博士或硕士生(包含学费与生活补助)2025年春季或秋季学期入学进行流体力学或物理海洋方面的研究。如有兴趣,请邮件联系Dr. Yang (1point3acres.com), 附上简历,简单的cover letter 包含研究背景,研究兴趣和计划。本人将会竭尽所能,传授学生专业知识及毕业后寻找教职/工业界的所需技能。

I am seeking two graduate students (Masters or PhDs) to start in spring 2025, though other opportunities may also be available.

Research work: Ocean alkalinity enhancement, an approach for carbon dioxide removal, can involve introducing milled mineral particles into the ocean to promote carbon dioxide uptake. Our research will assess the effectiveness of this method by examining the settling of particles under ocean waves, turbulence, and stratification while dissolution takes place. Specific projects could include investigating fluid dynamics that are relevant for understanding the behavior of mineral particles in a dynamic environment, or studying the role of turbulent flow features in distributing particles in the surface ocean, or using machine learning for mixing parameterization. For details see: sites.google.com

These positions will be funded via a combination of research and teaching assistantships, which include full tuition support, stipend, benefits, and travel support. We encourage motivated and creative applicants with:
a graduate or undergraduate degree in engineering, mathematics, physics, earth/marine science, or a related discipline and have a history of academic excellence.
experience with statistical analysis and/or desire to learn in these areas.
an ability to work in a collaborative team environment.
international students with English language proficiency (i.e., at least TOEFL iBT=92, IELTS= 7)
Preferred candidates will have a background in hydraulics/fluid dynamics or oceanography and some experience with programming (e.g., python, matlab), or laboratory (e.g. PIV, LIF), or field work (e.g., CTD, ADCP, remote sensing).

How to apply: To apply or discuss graduate programs, email Prof. Adam Jiankang Yang (1point3acres.com) with your CV & contact information for 2 referees, and a brief statement about your research interests.

Location: The research work will be based on Civil and Resource Engineering at Dalhousie University and will be potentially work in partnership with Prof. Ruth Musgrave in Oceanography Department at Dalhousie University or Prof. Mary-Louise Timmermans in the Yale Center for Natural Carbon Capture/Earth and Planetary Sciences at Yale University.

About Dal: Dalhousie University ranks 14 in Canada in TIMES and 12 in QS. It stays in top 300 worldwide. This year, Dalhousie’s Oceanography ranked 1st in Canada and 20nd globally in Academic Ranking of World Universities.