24fall UW麦迪逊data engineering ms选课帮助

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lz今年秋天应该会入学UW Madision的data engineering的master,想请问一下有没有学长学姐读的同校同专业给一些选课指导呢?针对以后就业方面比较有用的!太感谢了!以下附上选课列表:

Machine learning: select at least 2 courses
COMP SCI 540: intro to artificial intelligence
COMP SCI 760: machine learning
COMP SCI 762: advanced deep learning
STAT 451: intro to machine learning and statistical pattern classification
STAT 453: intro to deep learning and generative models
STAT 615: statistical learning

Algorithms: select at least 1 course
COMP SCI 524: intro to optimization
COMP SCI 577: intro to algorithms
COMP SCI 726: nonlinear optimization I

System: select at least 1 course
COMP SCI 407: Foundations of Mobile Systems and Applications
COMP SCI 537: Introduction to Operating Systems
COMP SCI 564: Database Management Systems: Design and Implementation
COMP SCI 640: Introduction to Computer Networks
COMP SCI ECE 707: Mobile and Wireless Networking
COMP SCI 740: Advanced Computer Networks

Humans and Data: Select a minimum of one class from below.
COMP SCI 765: Data Visualization
COMP SCI 770: Human-Computer Interaction

Other Electives: Select any course from above or from the list below:

COMP SCI 642: Introduction to Information Security
COMP SCI 702: Graduate Cooperative Education 2
COMP SCI 790: master’s thesis 2
COMP SCI 799: master’s research 2
COMP SCI 900: advanced seminar in computer science 2
STAT 611: Statistical Models for Data Science
STAT 612: Statistical Inference for Data Science
STAT 613: Statistical Methods for Data Science

谢谢大家 感激不尽 一点点建议也好!!